
How do I share photos using Houzz?

8 years ago

Sharing photos on Houzz has never been easier.

Hovering your cursor over any photo will show you a Save button and an Email button.

Here are three ways you can share your photos:

1. Clicking Save will add it to an ideabook you create. You can then add collaborators to your ideabook ([more info[(https://www.houzz.com.sg/discussions/how-do-i-create-and-share-my-ideabooks-dsvw-vd~3812457))

2. Clicking the email button will send it to an email address of your choice.

3. Clicking the photo itself will open a new photo page where you get even more share options...

Happy Houzzing! If you have any questions, post them below in the comments and the Houzz team will get back to you...

Luke (Community Manager)


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