
Can't add Bookmarklet to Firefox

11 years ago
Does Bookmarklet work on Firefox? I tried but cannot add Bookmarklet to the Bookmarks toolbar on Firefox. I can do that for IE and Chrome but my main browser is Firefox and it is a hassle to have to launch the other browsers when I want to add a photo to my ideabook

Comments (7)

  • 11 years ago
    last modified: 11 years ago
    Hello there,

    The bookmarklet should work on Firefox. Try using these steps:

    1. Drag the bookmarklet to your bookmark bar (please make sure your bar is on your firefox window first)
    2. Find a website with the picture that you would like to add and click the bookmarklet.

    Hope this helps,

  • 9 years ago

    Nope! Doesn't work here either!

  • 9 years ago

    Hi George!

    The bookmarklet page has changed a little bit since this post was first started.

    1. Visit and scroll down a little bit to find the "Save to Ideabook" Houzz Button.

    2. Drag the "Save to Ideabook" to your Firefox Toolbar

    3. Visit another site that you'd like to Save an image from and click the "Save to Ideabook" bookmarklet.

    If you're still running into problems installing the toolbar, could you contact support and let us know which version of Firefox and Operating System you're using?

    Hope this helps!


  • 9 years ago
    when I try to drag it to the bookmark bar (on the right side of the screen), it closes so I can't add it in by dragging. Firefox 40+ (which number, I don't remember), OS is Windows 10 (for now. ;)
  • 8 years ago

    I'm having the same problem....any solutions yet?

  • 8 years ago

    @Sharon Spaulding Hi there,What error do you see when trying to install the bookmarklet? And can you let me know if you are using a PC or Mac?

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