
What kind of professional should I contact for powder room reno?

11 years ago
I want to renovate a small powder room. The pedestal sink and toilet are in good shape so they can stay; I would like to wallpaper the room, change the tile and add accessories (mirror, towel bar) but I don't know who to call for a job like this. An interior designer feels like overkill (I can pick out tile and wallpaper) but these seem like two different skill sets, laying tile and hanging wallpaper (plus painting the trim). Do I hire the contractors for each job on my own? If so, what order are these things done in? paint, then wallpaper, then tile? Or do I get a handyman who can act as general contractor and bring in subs as needed and leave the details to him?

Comments (3)

  • PRO
    11 years ago
    Using several contractors for a small room gets complicated and expensive, so ideally, you'll find one pro to see you through everything except perhaps painting, papering. This person will help you know what will happen in what order. With more info - photos, we could give more specific advice. Good luck! Mark
    Sarah thanked Someone's in the Kitchen, Inc.
  • 11 years ago
    The tile person should be able to demo and replace the tile. Most should know how to do drywall sufficiently enough to clean up their own mess. Most wallpaper people also patch walls and paint. There will be other things that need to be done, but between those two people they can lead you in the right direction. Just make sure to get this information before you start with a clear understanding of what those two are willing to do, and have it all planned out ahead of time. They may, for instance, be willing to remove a toilet to wallpaper behind it, but then have a plumber put it back.
    Sarah thanked User
  • 11 years ago
    Thanks all, this is exactly the kind of feedback I needed!
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