My Houzz: Ashton Kutcher Surprises Mom With Her Dream Basement

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My Houzz: Ashton Kutcher Surprises Mom With Her Dream Basement

Most of us have one place we can truly call home. For actor Ashton Kutcher, that place is in Homestead, Iowa (population 148). This is where as a teenager he helped his stepdad, Mark, build the home in which he and his family lived when he was in high school.

Ashton’s mom, Diane, and Mark still live in the home. Until recently, the house had a dark walkout basement with a windowless bedroom, unfinished storage space and a main living area filled with exercise equipment, several old recliners and John Wayne memorabilia. For many years, that’s where Ashton would stay when visiting.

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Loved this! All of it!

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Amy Wise

Just incredible Ahston! I have an incredible Stepdad as well, and I am so glad you were able to share this time with him and create a space for your amazing mom! Loved watching them!

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Custom Design & Construction

Awesome series! We <3 Reveal Days!

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Anna Foley

Thanks for sharing your family with us. You mentioned your Mom shipped her salsa all over the country. I would truly love to get some good salsa. I love salsa and have only had a very few that are really good. Would pay what ever price to have a couple jars. Thanks again for sharing your wonderful surprise for your Mom with us.

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Very sweet....I too had to let go of recliner struggle with my mom when she moved in with me. She loved her recliner, I HATED IT, even though I bought it for her.

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sue Olson

His folks are adorable, and it's really sweet to see that he hasn't lost touch with his roots. I'm glad Mark got to keep his recliner.

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The L.A. Lady

Wonderful! This was incredibly tasteful, usable and fun. So much great storage and room for entertaining...

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Bright Development

I just saw this video story; appropriately right before Mother's Day. A perfect reminder of what 'moms' are all about; and advertising HOUZZ all the way............................perfect!

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Molly Gilleland-Nykamp

Both men in Ashton's mothers life are so adorable and sweet!

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I told several people about this video. Ashton shows very deep love and respect for his parents. I hope it is shown on the television networks.

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What a great son!

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Devonna Sumner

It is nice to see that Ashton keeps to his roots It was a very wonderful thing that you did keeping the place you call home and making it better for them. So glad you know where Home is.

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Great job Mark and Ashton. So glad the family has kept you grounded. Love the design. Catherine was a great designer. Thanks for sharing.

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Sue Fitzsimmons

Thanks for sharing this story for everyone. Your mom is lucky to have you for a son!!! It's a beautiful transformation.

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Ashton you are a sweetie pie. Not only did you do something wonderful for your mother, you gracefully lost the recliner war. Houzz is a wonderful site. Thank you for letting us see it in action. Happy Mothers Day, Diane. Oh, Ashton, I think you covered Fathers Day too!

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What a wonderful Mother's Day story! So glad Ashton's mother and stepfather found each other, for the two of them and for the children. When Ashton called from L.A. where Diane was staying throughout the redo, Mark asked how Diane was doing first thing and sent his love to her last thing. The remodel was beautiful, but the love in that house is absolutely awesome. Every Houzz should have that. (Along with a couple of really comfortable chairs.)

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E Tro
what is wrong with me? our daughter is amazingly loving and a successful scientist but she would not think of doing up any part of my home. I sleep on an air bed in a room in her lower level but would never move one thing in that area let along rearrange walls....etc. Just sayin'
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Sentra Baker

This is so awesome Ashton, you have such a kind heart for your family. You are such a kind and giving person, that keeps his roots grounded where he comes from and you never changes that. From Iowa we thank you for all that you are and your family in Iowa and your family in LA. We love you all thank you for showing us this amazing process, you did amazing loving thing . Thank you for sharing!

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Magally Quiros

Gorgeous design and perfect job. Good Mom´s present by Ashton.

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Henry Nader

Ok, my mother's house next

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This is really cool - both the finished product and the heartwarming gratitude towards family. Thanks for sharing!!

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I loved this on so many levels! An absolutely stunning transformation shared with all of us by a family that knows how to fill a home with love. Thank you Ashton and family for sharing this with us all!

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someday soon I will give my parents an all new home: decorated and landscaped and a cleaning lady and occasional cook.
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Sharon Southerland Sandheinrich

Ashton I'm very glad you shared this with the public. We got to see the other side of who you are. Your a down home country boy, who realizes that family does matter. Loved the entire aspect of the video. Your parents raised you well, and you have respect and love for them. May God Bless every one of you!

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God Bless you Ashton for the inner beauty of your heart! Lovely job done by Houzz!!
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Mary McArthur Dailey

I love the side/end table next to the recliners. Who can I purchase these from?

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Yasmeen Jafri

Wow. This was awesome. really enjoyed watching the transformation of the basement into something wonderful as well as Ashton's moms reaction in the end :)

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Mahasweta Dey

beautiful heart, beautiful thought, beautiful mind and a beautiful home designed!

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Julie Riddle

I just want to tell you, I felt so good watching this makeover it topped my long stressful day off like nobodies business. Thank you

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Antonia Botonaki
  1. Ashton, you moved me to tears. I hope my kids do the same for me one day. Enjoy your wonderful family and instill to your kid the same values your parents raised you with. I'm overcome with emotion, no words to say. Wishing you my very best from the bottom of my heart. And I looooooved the renovation!
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Always loved Ashton as a celebrity, Mila too, but now I love him as just an awesome guy! Mark seems like a really cool dude too. Wonderful family, thanks for sharing. Oh and the project, ah-ma-zing!

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Hasna Ahsan
awesome remodel of basement
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Mary Jakoowski

Seeing celebrities, we often forget they're normal people just like everyone else. Seeing something like this shows the true character of a person. Ashton is IT ALL! While maintaining his celebrity status, he hasn't forgotten WHO he is and where he came from. I've always thought he was a great guy, now I KNOW he's a great guy! He could have built his Mom a mansion, but that's not who his parents are and that is so refreshing. His family is and has what most families aspire to be. They have love, trust and respect for who each are and that is evident in the respect Ashton has for his Mom, and especially his stepdad. Kudos to you Ashton. You've earned a whole new level of respect from this Mom!

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Beautiful and so very sweet!
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Aww Ashton, i believe U have inspired ppl who watched this video! Well, i am! Beautiful heart and soul. <3

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Jon Marie Ferguson Lamb
That canning room is crazy ingenious! I love everything about this remodel.
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Absolutely fabulous ! I cried watching your Mother's response. I would love for you to come to Florida and help me, I'm clueless :((( Actually Ashton, we have a connection. My very dear friend Tony P. is the one who found you from NEXT, you're so adorable. Love what you're doing with Houzz, brilliant ! Love how you've stayed close to family and what's truly important in life. "Home is where MOM is " ! #marshadollmodels

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Thank for sharing! A wonderful mother's day !!!!

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Trish McDonnell

That was the best . Brought me to tears . You just redeemed yourself in my eyes. I hope you make many more memories together. What a great Dad Mark is ,so very blessed.

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Lori Bliss

Ashton I've always enjoyed your movies but now I like you even more as the special son that you are. I have three wonderful children and seeing how you treat your mother reminds me of them. You are so true it's the love that makes a house a home and not what is in it. However, making your mom's dream come true shows the pure love of a son and it will bring her great joy in her retirement years.

My best to all of you. L. Bliss, El Dorado Hills, CA.

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Have to say I've never been an Ashton Kutcher fan, but after watching this...I've changed my mind.....Absolutely Adorable....What a beautiful family!

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Maricarmen Guillen

Great job, home sweet home...wonderful present to your mom.. love Houzz great ideas for remodeling .....congrats from Mexico !

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Great story. What an awesome family. Ashton thanks for putting this together.

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Kitchen Inspiration Inc.

This is very sweet and inspiring!

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Rob Colter

Loved this! <3

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Absolutely beautiful, I use houzz for ideas all the time, and never knew I could do all of this. Thank Ashton

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Wonderful story and remodel! Ashton is from the Midwest, that's why he is such a great guy!

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Love it
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Brockville Home Hardware Building Center

Great Job Ashton!! Beautiful home and beautiful family!!!

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Love this....all of it!

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Tina Daniels

Very cool. However, I think the writer is incorrect about the "brownie" uniform. Unless it's different in Ohio than it was in the 70's/80's in Oregon. I was a "Brownie" and our uniforms were BROWN. Hence the name Brownie. That uniform is a Blue Birds uniform. Which was red white & blue. I hated being a Brownie cuss of the uniforms. I'm prob the only one who knew this. I didn't read through all of the comments.

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DeeDee MacDonald-Vuozzo

Your Mom's response was wonderful! She seems like an amazing woman who has raised 3 beautiful children. I was wondering though, if the whole family was there, where was Mila and your baby? You both are so down to earth and have stayed rooted to what is important - family. And if your Mom ever wants to do some landscaping, call me and I would happily help her dig up and plant. You are a great son!!!

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S Deleon

Love this story, what a sweet tribute to his mother, The makeover is awesome, cozy! :)

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Geron Decker

I had fun watching this Ashton. I played guitar at Shiloh's one night when you were there. Peace.

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What a great retreat you made and not only because it's stylish. All the thought, caring and effort/energy that went in show everywhere. I just can't think of anything as thoughtful as a show-pantry for a home canner par excellence! Those bunk beds for the kids?! What a treat is that! I bet there will be a steady flow of requests to go see Grandma and Grandpa in the future. And for you, Mark: Way to go! Those are some very classy recliners but my hat's off to you for the Winnowing of Wayne. That had to be difficult to do so obviously it was done from love.

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Donna Combs Shock

What a wonderful gift you gave your Mom! Loved watching the story unfold. It is obvious that you understand the important things in life - family and home. Thank you for sharing.

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Tami Pannell

I am so deeply touched by Ashton Kutcher and Houzz. This is by far the best Makeover program I have ever seen and when his mother started "Blubbering" I was doing the same right along with her. I can truly say I feel in my heart that Ashton has Not let Hollywood turn him away from his roots. I don't mean that insultingly towards Hollywood, but The warmth this man gives to people is just amazing. One little message to Mom...You have done the most incredible job of raising one of the most beautiful and kind people in this world! Thank You for Sharing ....P.S. I will be using houzz in the near future!!

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Kathleen Vickers

This basement is absolutely wonderful....but the family in it is even more so! Now... next project should be marketing "Diane's Famous Salsa".

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Gail Suter

Your Mom is very lucky to have a son like you...also, I envy your wife ;). Tip: DON'T spoil the kids too much. Congrats on a job well done!

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Andrea Gutierrez Hall

I absolutely loved watching this and it was so awesome to see the human side of celebrities. Such a great gift to his mom. Good job Ashton!!

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I absolutely love this video great job Asthon, You have such a loving and wonderful family. The basement looks fabulous! I love Houzz and you have shown me other ways to use it. So thank you.

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Love it especially the canning room how thoughtful...your mother must be so happy :)...

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I absolutely loved this transformation, what a lovely thing for him to do for such a lovely family. Loved his Mum's reaction too. Looks like such a nice space for them all to share for the years to come. Nice work all!

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What really came to my mind foremost: how Ashton could easily have purchased a very expensive home for his Mom and Step Dad in a swanky neighbourhood as it is likely that Ashton has an income to afford such an expenditure. However, this charming and beautiful Family has their roots in their homeland and chose to stay and renovate the 'Family' home. I was so touched to see the humility that Ashton's Mom and Step Dad had and that is my take-away moment from this story. Your heritage and roots are so important and this family exemplifies this with their home.

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Sel Nuk
The finished work is delightful. any mother's heart will melt at this gift. God bless you Ashton
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Kathy Dunn

Tina Daniels, you are right! Brownies -> Girl Scouts, while Blue Birds -> Camp Fire Girls. Two different organizations. I too was a Brownie, and the uniforms are and were indeed BROWN. Camp Fire was always red, white and blue.

Anyway, I love this transformation and how thoughtful and loving this gift was from Ashton to his mom (and step dad).

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Omama Irshaidat
I like it to death
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What a wonderful thing to do for your parents. Beautiful job and a heartwarming story to watch. Thanks for sharing.
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Wow Ashton! That is so amazing! The basement looks fantastic! You truly are one of a kind. Your mum is very lucky. Totally inspired me to do something special for my mum now. Sending regards all the way from New Zealand!

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"You don't have to cry in every room"? Wrong, Ashton, we do and I did. I don't know any John Wayne references, but I'll quote When Harry Met Sally and say "I'll have what she's having". i.e. - Diane's house and her family are remarkable. Who wouldn't want that? This inspires me to tell my own story of how I'm single-handedly trying to make a rental flat a home. Almost forgot - love how you did the canning room!

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Loved it all
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Beautiful. Thanks.

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I love Houzz! Truly inspirational.
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Tina Jones
Ashton what you did for your mom was amazing , and the relationship you have with your step-dad is great.... thank you so much for sharing the story..... from Melbourne , Australia...
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This video had me in tears. What a wonderful young man you are Ashton and such a beautiful family. Enjoyed this very much.
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what a wonderful gift. I love the fact he stays there not to mention the bunk beds will be awesome for the kids. This space is wonderful and everything has been thought of. thanks for sharing with us.
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Looks lovely!! Are those wood floors?

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Awesome transformation! What a great Mothers Day gift!!
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Jacks Good Wood

Not sure what I was expecting, but I truely enjoyed watching this makeover. Kudos to Ashton and Mark! The overall design was great. I love the canning room (sooo very cool) and how Catherine worked so much of Mark and Diane's memorabilia into the rooms without it feeling overwhelming. Really nice job!

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These darn allergies are really kicking in watching this series.
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What a son......It is good to see the appreciation of the love and devotion that his mother gave to him. The respect and honor of being in the scouting programs as the children grew up is proudly displayed. Family love reflects throughout. Happy Mother's Day.

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What a beautiful transformation. I enjoyed the video; watching on mother's day was quite fitting! A truly lovely tribute to Diane from Ashton and Mark. TFS!

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Christina Comer

Wow, you thought of everything! How awesome! I love it, love it! Well done!

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Laurie Brewer

This video series literally brought tears to my eyes. It wasn't just about a home, but the love of the people who live in it. Thank you Ashton for allowing us to be part of your journey and sharing what a kind, loving family you have. Your mother raised a kind, caring, decent and humble man.

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This was so sweet, and I couldn't help cry at your mom's reaction. And sorry, but I would have voted to let Mark have a recliner, albeit a new stylish one. The solution was a great. You are such a nice guy, Ashton.

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Love the makeover. What was the flooring used in this space?

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Katie Wolf

Thanks for allowing us to take this renovation journey with Ashton and his Stepdad. I was inspired by Catherine's insight and design expertise. What a transformation !

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Nancy Kelly
Love lighting and shelves? Around the FP
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Jeanette Clark

beautiful, can he do mine!!!!!

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Hofmann Images

Loved this whole project and and the video was very well done. Fun to watch! I will definitely be spending more time on HOUZZ!

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Kelly Ann Mitchell
Love the end result. As a mother myself I'm sure that your mom is more than please with this token of appreciation. Well done.
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Kevin P
What a great family story that will last forever. Ashton - been a fan of you professionally, but now this video shows what a great heart you have so I'm now I'm a fan of yours as a person. But hey - this project wasn't about you it was about your mom. So happy for her and Mark to have such a great space to enjoy the grandkids. Bravo!!
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What a great space. Love how bright and cozy it is. Koodoos today you.
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Michelle Boden

Gorgeous rooms, Ashton and Mark. What fun to watch. Thanks for sharing!

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As a former Iowa girl, I thoroughly enjoyed watching the reformation of Ashton's mother's basement. It reminded me so much of my sister's house in Iowa. The basement serves as many things in the Midwest, surviving tornadoes, etc. It was a lovely thing he did for his mother. I can spend hours on the Houzz website, it is so addictive!!! It now wants me to dive in our next project. Thank you Ashton and Houzz.

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Happy Mother's Day mom's. What a lovely thing to watch, in my bed, on Mother's day. May you all be so loved.

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That was wonderful Ashton! Being originally from Iowa growing up near (Marengo) which is just a few miles from Homestead, I was especially interested in this. We all had canning rooms in our basements but not any nearly so nice as this one. What a great son to do this for your mom. She did a helluva job of raising you!

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wonderful to see what a son can do for his parents..! well i never grew up with a mother and a father...but teared up when i saw this. i never had a home till the last few years...but where ever i went, what ever i did i always collected something or the other and said one day i would have a home for can imagine what it means to keep these things. i met my partner in 2011 and now we are in the process of making a home and when people ask me where i got this or that..i have a history to hats off to Aston for remembering what it is to collect and keep these things for your mother because its a life time of memories and dreams. wonderful Aston. Great Job. and Houzz you are the best. surprising its Mothers day today.

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Lovely! Thanks for sharing....
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These recliner disagreements are so familiar to so many of us! They have in common the taxidermy disagreements - over taste, but also over the massive amount of room these items occupy in a family house. But the John Wayne thing was hysterically funny. I feel sorry for everyone concerned! However, the resulting designs came out very well, and overcame the 'bar room' feel of the original space. Next to tackle - that awful mania for sports memorabilia!

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Allie Brothers

congratulations Ashton, I am so proud of you.

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I was wiping some tears along with Diane. Ashton has an amazing family. You could feel the love he has for them throughout the videos. I didn't want them to end. He needs to renovate the upstairs so we can watch again! Maybe make it a TV series out of this type of thing. I love this website and have ordered a few things from it. Like Ashton said, you can type in any subject and get the most amazing ideas. My fiance and I are remodeling a cabin that we bought for $50,000 in a foreclosure. It has great bones and deserves to be restored. It will take a while, but will be a great place to live when I retire. Many of the ideas we are using there came from Houzz. Including some of the lighting I purchased from Houzz. Love love love your site!!! Thanks for a great Mother's Day series of videos to wake up to! Hats off to you Ashton if you are reading these comments. Great way to thank your Mom for all she has done for you and your family! Can I adopt you??? I need a canning room.

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Being a Minnesota girl myself....the Viking stuff has to stay. Love, love, love the framed Boy Scout and Girl Scout uniforms! What a clever way to showcase such wonderful memories your children.
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Got this post on Mother's Day. Made me cry when I saw the love between mother and son. Thank you Houzz, that was a special gift to me on this day....

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Wow! What an awesome way to honor your family's"DNA". The initial vision along with the final product was fantastic and your designer seemed like she was great too! I have loved HOUZZ for 3 years and have amassed quite a vision board myself and now know that it's really possible to take all of my pictures and make them a Home. Thank you Ashton-you're a great son!

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Wendy B

I blubbered through the whole video. watched it on Mother's Day ( first one since losing my mom this year). My mom always said stop your blubbering!!( good Midwestern girl) Ashton thank you for being such a good son, you hit it out of the park on this one!!

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Lorraine Andrews
That was spectacular. What a wonderful way to express gratitude for great parents. I can hardly wait for the next video on the transformation of the front yard with some landscaping makeover.
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Incredible! What I love the most about the space: I can't believe it's a basement, it's light and cheery, serves several purposes and the personal touches give it "warmth".

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Rosalie Schraut
Congrats on an amazing renovation. We used Houzz for ideas when we gutted our kitchen and master bath. What a great Mother's Day treat to watch...made me teary too.
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Nancy Peterson

The video was wonderful! I enjoyed watching the process and the transformation. What a great way to showcase one of my favorite sites - Houzz! And Ashton did a fantastic, thoughtful redo of his mom and dad's space, with lots of help from Mark. As a fellow Iowan it was fun to see a remodel there, in spaces like most of us live in!

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The comment above says it all. What a wonderful way to say thank you to your parents for all they've done. Great job and the results say it with all the new and old items brought together just like family. Love it!

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What a beautiful expression of love... and boy does it carry over into that space. You could have chosen to do this for your mom privately. Instead you allowed ALL OF US to share in her sheer joy! Elated... thanks for sharing this with us. I could not recognize the STEP in your dad... that alone makes him "The Duke" ~ AWESOME!

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Just a son honoring his Mom - Well
Done, Well Done…

tribute to a parent is the success of their child... it is not
measured in dollars it is measured by knowing your child has respect for
self & others, is healthy & happy, knows how to love &
receive love.

is watching your child grow up and want to come back home to visit.

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awwwww.., thank you houzz & ashton! what a nice way to start my day!!

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What's it going to take to get that salsa recipe? ;-)

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Can someone tell me what kind of wood floors were used? We're shopping for flooring for our home and I love these. Thanks!

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Constance Ruscher
Wow! It's a beautiful basement! Love it all!
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Absolutely loved the video and cried at the end. What a wonderful story of love and giving back. (and not a bad tribute to Houzz!)

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I love this story! Ashton you are awesome and I know your sweet momma is proud of you for so many reasons! Thank you for sharing this story with Houzz, I love this app and use it frequently for my "wish list". Your step dad is a jewel as well! God bless you all and happy mother day to those special people in your family! Greta Stephens Ft Worth, Texas

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Absolutely beautiful job. I love the canning display space, for two reasons; one it's just beautiful but most of all because Ashton understood and appreciated his Mom's passion and validated it. And, I wonder ..... how old is Catherine, the designer? Not yet 40, i am guessing? Why? Because it seems to me that "understanding the appeal and the need" for a recliner happens, Oh somewhere around age 40, when one is not yet ready to admit to getting older, just admit to "gee, finally I feel like an adult, and dang; it sure feels good to get comfortable after a long hard day of work". :P

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Wonderful video - Diane's tearful joy got me all weepy. So glad you could do this for your very special mom and Mark. Nothing more important than family. God bless you.
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Wayne Winn
Very nice job!
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Sharon Hughes

Fantastic thing for Ashton to do for his mum, very impressed with him and of course the basement makeover was amazing, well done to all involved

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Tina Eichelberger/Interiors Home
Ashton's surprise for his mom was the perfect video to watch Mothers Day morning. I cried right along with her. As the mother of two boys it was so nice to see how much Ashton loves his mom.
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Carole M.

I love it all. It's bright, but as mentioned, rustic. I think it looks comfortable and just fantastic. I especially love the canning room. If love that they honoured Mom's love for canning and her salsa and instead of keeping her stuff in some dark dank cupboard, she got a bright and light space. Wonderful!

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I too enjoyed very much, Ashton is a star in this mother's day for sure! Thank you!

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This was a great way to start my Mother's Day! I love interior design and Houzz and I respect Ashton and his love for his mother. So thank you for launching my Mother's Day into a Happy Place! Cheers to a job well done!

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Thank you for sharing an inspirational and loving design to honor your mother. The designer Ms. Thomas and the skilled craftsman brought forward a sweet thoughtful vision to last a life time. Ashton and his step-dad can forever rest easy knowing MOM has a cozy place to relax while making even more family memories. Well done everyone!

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Kelly White

Absolutely love this! The surprise on your mom's face, Diane, from room to room was simply priceless. Thank you for partnering with Houzz to make this happen, Ashton and Mark. And Catherine, want to come to Texas?

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Berni Clark
What a good son, love that he helped with the redo.
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Pauline Weir-Davis

That's a true labour of love. Normally when persons achieve fame they ditch the old family house. Must have some great memories. I teared up. Love the finish. Home is where the heart is. Kudos Ashton. Thanks for sharing your home and the love with this hozz addict.

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I cried in every room with your Mom. I felt the love. You were raised well Ashton .

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Cheryl Ruth
I cried throughout all four parts...great job Catherine, Ashton and Mike!!
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Inspired Closets Nashville

What is the flooring in the basement?

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Loved this! Beautiful basement and beautiful family!

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Connie Derhak
A very nice surprise for your mom,what a lovely story.
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So great! Love Houzz, love Ashton. You can feel the love through these videos, you made your Mamma happy!

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You have given your parents a wonderful gift to enjoy for years. The most important gift is knowing that with fame, you have stayed grounded and know what is most important in life. They are proud of you for being the person in your heart you were when you left home. I enjoyed watching the video. The rooms look amazing!

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Watched this on mom's morning - thank you for bringing such joy to me even though it's your house!! Love all of you as family of my own!! Thank you for sharing this very special life moment with all of us, Ashton. Houzz rocks, but we knew that!!

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Kathylynne Fenton

What a great story and a fabulous reno! Thank you for sharing Ashton! I watched it on Mother's Day and it was so appropriate, just seeing the love in your family and to your Mom, what a beautiful gift! I also am a huge fan of Houzz and used the app exclusively for ideas while building and decorating our new home recently. It's a fantastic app - beats going to 100's of show homes for ideas!

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Janet Peterson

Ashton, this was a Wonderful gift for your Mom. You grew up in such a loving family...not alot of people realize just how 'normal' actors lives can be. Your love for your Mom and Mark is so inspiring. To be able to take the time to do this for her/them is such an act of love. I felt the love in every room that she entered. Always keep that 'coming home' feeling in your heart and in your life...come home often!!! Especially with their grandchildren and daughter in law !!! Happy Mother's Day to your Mom !!!! Good Job !!!!!

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Catherine Moore
Wow Ashton adopt me please...
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Courtney Kemler

I did not want this renovation to end. What a beautiful family, I really enjoyed watching the transformation and the interaction between you and Mark. Like any other family:) What a great project. Thanks.

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I loved watching the video (wonderfully produced) and laughed out loud at the "tension" between Ashton and Mark (over the recliners) and Catherine and Mark (those recliners, again). And what goes better with seven recliners than all that John Wayne memorabilia! I loved everything about the re-do, including displaying those items that are meaningful to Diane and Mark (well, some of those items, Mark). I also loved the touches from Iowa like the collection of hawk feathers above the toilet. I can't say enough good things about the overall project from concept to design to construction to location....everything! Hats off to all involved!

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Wow, this was so emotional for me!! I cried with Ashton's mom in every room too. It's so beautiful. The time spent with his stepfather, doing something so special for his mom---PRICELESS!! I'm glad this was a part of my Mother's Day. Thank you

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Jules Woods
It turned out amazing!
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Sylvia T
Love it! What an amazing son!
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Ann Pat
love it!
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Laura Bailey

What a wonderful way to thank his mother for all she has done! So sweet and I just cried right along with Diane when seeing all of it with her... What a special family. So glad fame hasn't went to his head either, and he remembers really what counts; and that's family!

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Alison de Celis

I thoroughly enjoyed watching that. Beautiful design. Awesome family and cool website. Thank you for sharing!

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Thank you for sharing the make over of "your" ( your parents ) home with us !
The difference is stunning ! Great SON!
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I laughed, I cried......the video was awesome, really enjoyed the whole experience. The space is beautiful!
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Sandy Johns

What a amazing son and husband, True love there....

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Marq Goldberg

Mark was right. Keep the recliner. I assume you want him to be able to sit comfortably in the area even though it was designed for your mom. If he had parted with the recliner he would have always had a bit of resentment. NO question about it. He should keep it!

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I am sitting here crying as I see such a beautiful basement and the love and the caring that went into it! Congratulations, and enjoy! Maybe the recipe for the much talked about salsa could be shared with the rest of us, who enjoyed this soooo much!!!

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I teared up!! What a great gift for a great Mom. Appropriate on Mother's Day.
Great Job.
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erma krepelka
Wow, amazing and beautiful !!!
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Pauline d'Amboise
Touching and beautiful ...
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What a delightful story….It made me well up which is rare. AK is clearly a good man and so is Diane's husband who allowed his home to undergo this makeover. Well done gentlemen!

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Well done, AK, Mark & Cathrine! Touching tribute and surprise. And I like the end product too!
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Perfect to watch on Mother's day! Cried and my kids were bringing be tissues right and left. Fabulous job Catherine, Mark, Ashton & co.--Diane obviously you're a great mom. Happy Mother's Day.

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Cindy Mat

I was so hoping that Catherine would show up at the end.

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Congratulations on a HOUZZ redo! wish I had a basement!

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What a thoughtful and lovely gesture for his parents!

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Beautiful space! Lovely to see him give back to his Mom like this.

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Awesome. I'm 90 years old and I'm saying that.

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I live in Maine.

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Muth Enterprises

The song may be by Perry Como but he is not the one singing it. I wish they would have given credit to the artist in the credits.

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Cheryl Brown

Mark is hilarious! Diane is precious. Ashton is a good son. enjoyed the video very much.

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What an excellent piece!! Loved how natural everything was - not staged like in Hollywood. What a great family and what an excellent way to show your mom how much she means to you all! Love the design! Great job, Catherine!! I think the fireplace and the new guest bedroom were my faves! Loved the bunkbeds and little lantern lights!! Nice job, Ashton. I used Houzz when designing my new bath! Excellent resource!

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So heartwarming, I cried like a baby! What an awesome family. Home is where the heart is. Great job!

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This is a very cool space.......attractive and useful and a wonderful gift to a lucky Mom!
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you are really great , hope can do this to my Mom, but no experience :(

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I think mark needs a bigger recliner so that he can stretch out his legs and they are fully supported. The ones you put in the basement are too short. Need greater amount of Comfy.
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What a wonderful son! Outcome was beautiful, enjoyed watching step by step.
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Great results with beautiful aesthetics and excellent functionality. I would love to see the before and after floor plans for a better visual on how they reconfigured the space.

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great video...really appreciate sharing your home and family with the world. how much did this renovation cost? loved what you did!

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Chereese Ferreira
Fabulous work !!
It's absolutely gorgeous. I can appreciate how they opened it up and gave the area daylight. Yet, they kept that warm, cozy comfortable feel.
I could certainly relax there .
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Robyn Dauton
what an amazing set of men you have in your life .
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Marion Farrell

Exactly what I am trying to do for my Mum, but on a much smaller scale. What an awesome gift for Mother's Day, I wish I had been able to finish at least the basement for her by now. :)

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Kathleen Peterson

Ashton, you are a wonderful son to do this for your mother and step-father! What a great space make-over! They must be thrilled with it, and I love how you and the designer worked together long distance. Having been a residential interior designer for 45 years, to see a space come together like this is a true blessing for your family. We who have been in the business love to create scenes like this one you just showed in the video. It is a very special place, indeed. Good for you, and good for them.

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Anita Roll Murals

Very touching tribute from a grateful son to his loving mother. Fun for us to watch the lighthearted banter between Mark and Ashton give way to the tender moments during the final reveal. Mark was a hoot! Houzz you are an awesome resource and showed how to get it done! Nice job all around!

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Tracy Evans

Not only do I admire Ashton Kutcher, I like his family. Thanks for sharing. The house app is the best ever.

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Dolores Gallegos

WOW! what a tribute to Ashton's Mom! Really admire him for the son he is to his parents. God Bless you, Ashton.

Great website too! I will pass the word about this site...

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Absolutely stunning - I'm just wondering how practical it is to have the flat screen television where it is - the placement of the seating areas do not make for comfortable television watching?

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What a wonderful gift for your parents. Your Mom and Mark did a great job raising you and it shows. God bless you and yours always.

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love love love it! love the banter between all of them. love that his stepdad and him could work together to surprise mom....such great ideas and not over the top just normal basement....thanks for sharing with us and using Houzz to do it!!

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Christina Numero

That was so wonderful of you Ashton, watching it got me emotional. Wish I can do this to my mom too one day :)

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Well done…… Enjoyed your Mother's Day mission….. A lovely Mom and Stepfather…..

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Jan Myers

Your a good son. Your a blessed young man. Thanks for sharing.

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Amazing! I quess I'll have to include an interior decorator for my next revamp, or get some good advice from Houzz!

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Nordic Sands

This was so sweet of him to do for his Mom, the new space is well done and so touching to see him as just a kid. His Stepdad and mother are too cute! Now Ashton please fix the front step into the house for them before someone trips!

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Wow. What a beautiful job. You give me inspiration to take on my basement. Ashton, I love how much you care and love your mom. My son just moved out and is getting married and I have to say that I am as blessed as your mother is in having a wonderful and loving son. Thank you

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Colorscapes Custom Painting,

What a great thing to do for your wonderful Mom! Would love to know where you got the light fixtures. Love them!

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Kim Holmberg
I have loved the Houzz community for years. This heartwarming story shows off some of the best parts of this easy-to-use app! I love that it leads you to pros in rural Iowa to design and build such a sophisticated and personalized space!
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loved the video, great job u two wonderful guys. Ashton the love u have for yr mom and stepdad shows not only in what u did for them in the basement but how u speak about yr child hood memories and growing up in the house u helped build. So happy for yr mom, and what a great mothers day gift, u did something very heart felt for yr mother and shared that with all of us and that was so enjoyable for us so thank u.......Houzz is an awesome site we have used it to get our ideas for our renos, we especially liked the barn doors we have seen on Houzz so we have incorporated one in our bedroom going into our master unsuite and it transformed this room wonderfully... thanks Houzz what a wonderfull site

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If you didnt like Ashton Kutcher before you love him now. Wonderful!

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Chris Kauffman

I thought that was truly beautiful, what a heart felt a little teary eyed there...well done

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Angela Francis Interiors, LLC

Lovely space! I can't think of a better gift than home - where you work, live, play, relax and just do life. What a special project. Kudos to all involved!

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Pat Reed

love, love, love

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Karmen Duke

Ashton you are simply amazing. To do something so truly awesome like that for your mom and then for your stepfather to be so awesome and amazing too, God bless you both. Thanks for sharing this.

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This was a first for me-bawling thru a interior design reno! Genius marketing and one of the most real, honest, heartwarming and touching hours I've ever spent on line. No acting here-just the love of a son for his parents! Ashton-thank you for sharing and thank you HOUZZ for bringing this into our homes!

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From a fellow Midwesterner-I thoroughly enjoyed watching that! Well done Ashton and Mark! Thank you for sharing-

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U Armstrong

Just good old "mama's boys", my favorite kind. Got one myself. :)

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WOW.....My family still lives in Elkader Iowa......A historic little place with almost 1,300 people still living there. I think I am related to half actually, and it has the Turkey River running through it. Ahhhhh.The summers I spent there when I was a kid I can remember as if they were yesterday. So much so , I took my kids back there. My daughter was sooooo amazed that "taters" come from the ground and not your local food store....She refused to pick them outa the dirt, they were dirty! lol, kids.....As I visited my Aunt's place, the old smoke house was still there will ours names on it. Man o man took me way back. So much so, I started to cry. And yes, my daughter thought I was nuts....She was only 8. I was crying over such a simpler life, in a simpler place, where everyone knew one another. All the farms my kids never saw, all the cows, pigs and horses....She got to touch them all and finally understood what I was talking about.. A simpler way life. nothing she was used to living here in Chicago, that's a given. Aston, you did a great thing for your Mom. After all, it's about family. It's not about WHO you are, it's what you are. You never gave up on your roots. Your own home fams up bringing. that is what counts. you will now go back there to Iowa with your on child and share all those wonderful memories of YOUR IOWA! When it was sooooo simple to just live a life, rather to BE a life.... So happy to see your NEVER forgot where you came from what you have! You make this mother proud as well......God bless you!

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Elda Patricia Vasquez Farias

This place is greatful, splendid, practical, quiet and I love it.

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Susie C.

Great job! I was crying throughout the last segment when Diane arrived home. Such an amazing gift from her son. Not the material aspect but the love and the thoughtfulness. I have a new fondness for Ashton Kucher! And kudos to Houzz. I do love being able to create idea books from their website. A big fan! xoxoxoxo

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Beautiful makeover! Are you doing the rest of the house, too?

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Belinda Medlin

thank you, Ashton, for doing this for your family...such a thoughtful and loving gesture!

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Wonderful that you could do that for your parents. Makes me want to fix up my basement.

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Brandi Holt

Congratulations Diane! You must have been, and are, a wonderful mother to your children and that is inspiring. I hope one day my daughter will say those same words about me, that Ashton said about you throughout this video. You deserve all this! Ashton, you are a good son for giving back like this. It's refreshing to see that even though you are a huge star-you are still just a down-to-earth country boy at heart. I hope your family enjoys making many new memories down in your beautiful basement!

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I have enjoyed this so very much!! This was a gift to me for Mothers Day from all who were involved! Great ideas and great process to watch.

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Leichsenring Studios

Fantastic project. Worth every minute to watch it! Thorough use of the Houzz tools made for success. Ashton Kutcher made his love for his mom genuine .

I went back and saw Catherine's work and see how perfect a connection Ashton made in choosing her to work with himself and Mark.

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ASHTON!! get together with HOUZZ and make this a show!!

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What a beautiful family! You can feel the love everywhere! It was so touching to see how Mark, who is obviously a man's man, touched so deeply by his wife's happiness and joy. Ashton, you are so right...this is what it's really all about! Thank you for sharing this beautiful moment with us!

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Ruby Johnson
gray and smoke gray walls
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I don't know if you will ever see this comment, but I want you to know how much I enjoyed watching this. My father was in 6 films with John Wayne, and I would love to send an autographed copy of a pic of my dad and Duke in the Green Beret and send it to Mark.

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This was absolutely beautiful. What a wonderful thing to do, so touching!

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Where is the bathroom for this updated basement?

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Judy Taylor

Well done project. Well done videos. I learned a couple of things about Houzz, too. Love the song over the ending credits.

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Heidi Huston

Amazing! What a wonderful thing to do for your mom and step dad. Very touching. Beautiful family values to teach and instill into your growing family, wonderful role models, just an all around wonderful story and a delightful tribute. Made me cry.

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Amy Jones

What a beautiful gift. I cried the last segment when Diane arrived home. Ashton Kucher You Are Amazing. Love You and your family xoxox

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Fabulous job! The story was so sweet, thoughtful and creative! I just love Ashton, his stepdad and his Mother!
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Bravo! Your Mom's reaction brought tears to my eyes! The makeover was done tastefully with your Mom and step Dad in mind the entire way. Awesome job from a loving son.

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Alain Gosset

Made me cry ! Nice

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Mary Ann Pastene

Jeez, that is great. I teared up, too. What a wonderful experience. Thanks for sharing it.

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Great!!! Congrats, some stars don't even talk to their parents....that's very cool coming from you.

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WOW! Thank you for being the incredible Iowan you are :) As a mother myself, it touches my heart that you have transformed your mother and step fathers lives. It's better than a vacation, they can enjoy it every day. I did cry watching the reveal as many people did. It was emotional to watch your mother appreciate the love she felt. You are blessed to have such a loving family! They shaped you to be a caring and loving person as you and Mila will shape your child. I did laugh at the recliner poll.. I didn't realize you could poll on Houzz? Thank you for sharing your family moment. Sending you and your family all the best!

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Watching the videos warmed my heart! Ashton, it's nice to see how down to earth you are, and a kind, loving son. God bless you and your family. Sincerely, Aundrea

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Kathy Biddle-Perebzak

WTG Ashton! I loved seeing your Mothers surprise on this beautiful basement you made happen for them. They truly did shape you to be a loving ,caring and giving person that I already sensed you where just by seeing you on TV all these years. I love the whole "houzz" concept and how it works!! Great idea to Network this starting with your family home and I loved that you shared it with us! Also so happy for you and Mila and having a baby girl and starting a family of your own now in this time of your life is awesome!

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Nina Y
Just amazing! Both the space transformation and the emotion that went into this renovation for Ashton's mom were incredible and so heartfelt. Way to go, AK and team!
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Shante' Shanelle

Ok...Clearly I wasn't the only one that cried like a baby during the reveal. How awesome, heartfelt, and beautifully human. Great job Ashton.

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What a lovely heart felt story.

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Francoise Allard

i cried looking at this it shows the humanity and the gratitude and love for his parents loved it tks for sharing

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Noelle Schilling

I loved this. Family and home are everything. Houzz is my favorite pastime.

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Just when I thought you couldn't be any MORE adorable, you pulled THIS off! Great job.

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I loved this story. What a tribute to Ashton's Mother! Also says a lot for Ashton for doing such a loving and giving gift to his Mother. I loved how everything turned out. I had a feeling there were new recliners planned since Mark was steadfast in his desires to keep them and votes were in his favor. I would have voted for not keeping them myself but new ones were great! Great job Ashton!

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Therese Stephens

I loved it!! I'm from Canada and yes,family is everything.Love Houzz Designs and his mom is lucky to have such a wonderful son. Ashton rocks and so his stepdad

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What a great makeover! That basement is everything!

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Sharmala Buell

I had to look up Ashton Kutcher in wikipedia since I didn't know about him. Obviously, I haven't seen any his movies!! Watching these videos and seeing the person he is, shows how much he values family and home. "Kudos, Ashton! Hope that your children learn from you to be caring people! The basement looks wonderful and your mom's joy was the icing on the cake!"

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Kitchens by Cookson

Ashton, nicley executed! I have been using houzz for years with my clients and have found it to be a usefull tool. I have not tried the poll feature yet I will have to look at it. I was surprised by how many said yes to the recliner, yet I know that if a client really wants something in the space it is my job to make sure to incorporate in an aesthetically pleasing matter.

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Ashton, you're famous and doing good for the family and love of your life your Mom, congrats to the you and the team for such a great execution. Love love love

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Ashton, I have been loving and using Houzz for quite a while, but I never cried so much while on it. Kudos to you and Mark for bringing such happiness to your mom. It was very heartwarming to see who you are and where you've come from. Thank you and Houzz for letting us in. XXOO

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So happy to help with this project and grateful to have our Melrose Reversible Chaise Sofa featured in the video!

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Choptank Closets, LLC

Wow! What an incredible gift to give your Mom...and a wonderful tribute to your Step-Dad and Family--It's all about the LOVE!! Thanks Ashton and Thanks HOUZZ!!

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Very touching that he did this for his mom. What a great son and a mom who is very deserving of this!
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Glenn Ingram
Nice balanced room ..
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Wow... Very touching. What a great son and a deserving mom!
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Regina Marie
it's beautiful! that would be my dream basement. I bet his mom cried when she saw it. it's so inviting. Love it! open light colors. love the 2 twin beds. the flow is nice. it's not too much it's just beautiful!
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Enjoyed every minute! A beautiful family and a beautiful home.

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Wow Wallpaper Hanging

Ashton is a sweetheart and it's obvious why, he is part of a wonderful family. Diane really deserved this surprise, I was crying right along with her. Well done to Houzz for making it all possible!

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Debra Martin-ez

In a world full of chaos, hate, anger and dismay it is so wonderful and rare to see love in it's purist form as in the love between a mother and a child. I have been blessed to know the feeling your mom is having,not about the space you provided but that her son did this just for her. 'Kudos' to you Ashton. And by the way the redo was absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks for Sharing the Love! An amazing renovation. An amazing family! All the best from Australia! Would love to see more of these stories:)

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So that's the true meaning of HOME, what a truly wonderful example of what a HOME is .... I can only hope to provide my boys with such a loving home as they grow from young boys now into young men. Inspirational Kutcher family :)

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Nancy Cadayday-Mayo

Thank you so much Ashton Kutcher for sharing this wonderful renovation video. You have made me cry watching it, but tears of joy for your mom. You are a good son and so happy to know that although you are very famous, you still have a heart of gold and that you love your mom the way you do. What a great inspiration!

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Building Dimensions

To the Houzz team, what a great job was done by all and a revealing insight into a public person and his love for his mum. Ashton Kutcher you did well...........Enjoy your new domain as we all want to make our parents happy. Hi from Perth Australia.

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Creative Living by Gabrielle East

Diane and Mark, your children are a testament to you. It was just an amazing transformation and the fact that Mark and Ashton built the house in the first place and then 23 years later you're still doing it. It was an honour to be allowed into your home and family for a glimpse of what you all mean to each other. Thank you xx (from Western Australia)

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This is fantastic. What a wonderful son!
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Carlos Corona
Ooh that reaction! Priceless...
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Zaharia Kibwana

My!!! It's amazing.

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Stephanie Wiggins
Loved this video! Great to see a famous person go back to his roots, and do something beautiful for his family, who by the way are down to earth kinda folks. Love it! I was crying with Mrs. Diane, as she took each step down.
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I just loved how a Mothers Son wanted to show his love and appreciation for her .. I'm glad I watched this as I'm new to HOUZZ and I wasn't aware of the features That Ashton spoke about. What a beautiful Son ! And an amazing App.
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Great job Houzz. I like the concept & getting AK is easy on the eyes ;)

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Shalemar Cannister

What an awesome, awesome video!

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That was magic. Made me cry, makes me think of my beautiful Mum & my gorgeous sons. Best Wishes to you & your family, thank you for sharing.

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This is so touching what a great son you've become in your family, there is no fame without care for parents...pats on the back for you Ashton.

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That was the most touching and heartwarming story and I think I've cried enough happy tears this morning watching all 4 parts to last me a long time! Truly! My Mother and Stepfather mean the world to me and I, too, can only hope that some day my teenage children will feel that same way too about me and their stepfather. Thank you so much for sharing this. I love Houzz as well and really loved how you integrated this wonderful portal of information and ideas into your story. Thank you, thank you, thank you! God Bless!

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That was Great! Wonderful story!

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This was so AMAZING!!!!!!!! His moms reaction was the best reveal reaction that I have ever seen. I almost cried myself. You really are amazing HOUZZ!!!!!!

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What a wonderful way to say thank you to your mum. A beautiful space to make many memories in the years to come.

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asral mendila

very good design with the story

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Jean Dunn

Ashton Kutcher -what a class act!

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Lovely video. The basement looks fantastic.
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You are a good son Ashton
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Above & Beyond Home Decor

This is simply beautiful. What a great way to say thank you to your Mom. The basement looks amazing. Well done.

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I always thought AK was a good guy. What he did for his mom bought tears to my eyes. I enjoyed the videos. The transformation was AMAZING!! (Kudos to the designer) And a man that uses HOUZZ... Mila, he's a keeper!

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Christian Luiz

Amazing, amazing, amazing.

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Todd Noe

Awesome transformation, nicely produced and great example of how to use HOUZZ. Congrats to all!

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Fantastic basement make over. Hope to see more videos like this
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Wow this is amazing!!! Nice job! And that is just the basement? wow

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Hey, Iowa homie! Ashton, great job on the basement transformation. You are awesome and you remind me of my son - tall, dark, handsome, thoughtful, intelligent, and devoted to family. God bless you and yours!

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Love the idea but huge problems getting the visual part of the video to play...keeps can hear but the picture sticks on one shot over and over and cannot get it to change, I really wanted to see the process and how it plays out. Yes every parent should have their recliner

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Thank you for sharing this fantastic journey straight from the heart.

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Beautiful transformation! I love Houzz & I love what Ashton did for his mom & stepdad, very touching. The tears flowed watching do this for your mom is so thoughtful. Family is what it's all about. Awesome!

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Holly Minor

What an amazing gift and story. Nothing better than making your parents happy and surprised. You have a wonderful home and family.

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Amy C.
Loved this. Makes me think how I might redo my husbands home office. So cool.
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Amy C.
Loved this. Makes me think how I might redo my husbands home office. So cool.
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"The Home is the DNA of a family"

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WOW! Well done! Such an emotional story! Thank you for sharing your family home.

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Paula Clemow

I grew up in small town Iowa so really enjoyed watching the redo of the basement. Very cool, heartwarming and quite amazing. Enjoying it from start to finish and such great performances, made it all so real.

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Kris Ayache
You'd never want to go upstairs to the main house again
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Enjoyed this whole story!!! Lucky family!!

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Cindi Hansen

Beautiful and classy!!!! Can you re-do my home??? ;)

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Gloria Mills

Great job everyone! I love Houzz, and it was so much fun to see you use it for your project. Love the outcome!!

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loved everything about this - I cried when his momma came home! My heart loved all the love for the family!

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Lux North Development
Ashton is rite on spot with the materials used. You can tell by the attention to detail and craftmanship. Well Done Ashton... I flip luxury homes as well on Sherman oaks cali labor of love,taking something rough and creating something gorgeous. wonder if Ashton reads any comments.
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Patricia Parrish

What a fabulous tribute to his family and specifically to his mother. What a great son, what a great person. I had to cry a little when I saw this. I salute you Ashton.

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I just saw another side of Ashton, with whom I regard in an even more special way now. My youngest of 3 children, Darren, used to have others approach him (for an autograph even!) because he looked so much like Ashton - in Canada, no less. Ashton, you put so much heart into this project, I was really impressed with your sensitivity and overall effort. Congratulations - I had tears along with your Mom! What a wonderful story!

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Thank you so much for sharing this. What a wonderful way to show your appreciation and love for your mom and what she has done for you and still does for you. Not only that you have given her a new beautiful place, but why you did it. You did this so that she can have a place to make more memories with her family/kids/grandkids. That's so wonderful! I am a mother of three and, although I am no where ready to become a grandma, I would want to have a home that would be welcoming to my kids and their family. You are a wonderful son! You and your stepdad, Mark, have an awesome connection! I had tears in my eyes because I can see how happy your parents are! Thank you again for sharing!! God Bless you and your family!

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I love and adore this project you did for your Mom and family Ashton. Thank you for all your great movies and thank you for sharing your project with us. Like a lot of commenters, this brought me to tears as well. I put myself in your Mom's shoes as she walked around each newly renovated part of the basement and felt like I was there too. What is her favorite room now? Mine is the fireplace, the furniture, the kids room, all the new light with windows and doors and the two recliner/TV nook.

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Robin Davis

u r a wonderful son....:)

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Very nice renovation indeed, and this sounds like a lovely family too. Congratulations!

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Aisling O'Callaghan

Such a great story!

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HKJohnson & Associates

Love this family! Oh, almost forgot, love the basement too! ; )

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Loved this project! Kudos to the designer! I am amazed how much more efficiently the space is utilized. You did things like pocket doors that I would never have even thought possible for a basement that size. I have to say that Ashton's mom really deserves this!!! She obviously taught him old fashioned values that continue to keep him grounded despite his connections to Hollywood. What a blessing for her not just for the obvious which is the renovation, but more importantly, seeing the fruits of her labor (those years mothering) in her son. I'm sure she'd say her son is the real prize! Congratulations and wishing you many more years of joyful memories to make in your new space!!!

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A beautiful testament to your Mom's love showing itself through you...I'm not a celebrity follower, but I have a new respect for you, Ashton!

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Rooshanay Haroon
waoooo what an owsome project with lovly people
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Adam Ash

What a beautiful and meaningful transformation. But I do wonder, will anyone spend anytime out of the basement?

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Jamie Utter

I loved the room; it was beautiful. However, I find myself obsessing about the song played at the end of the video. Is it Perry Como? What's the title? I'm looking all over the internet for it and it's illusive.

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I've become a huge fan of houzz, after my cousin introduced me to the site at a Thanksgiving gathering several years ago. It's been my go-to-site as I took on a major remodel on my own. Just like Ashton, I have created idea files which I've used in the project, and so grateful for all the entries and photos.

I cried when Ashton's Mom came downstairs and wept from room to room as she took in the changes. What a wonderful gift you gave her and Mark, as well as all the future memories to come in these beautiful spaces. Well done Ashton, Catherine, and crew in sharing this video with us. Best Houzz presentation ever!

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Tracy Murphy

What a great kid, Ashton is. We are designing our kitchen long distance with my friend Corinne in LA. Love HOUZZ for all of the photos and ideas.

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Lori East

Loved the video! Loved the transformation! Great job; wonderful collaboration! FUN!

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Ashton, what a great son!. God bless you, your mom, dad and all your family. I love your movies. I wish you all more days to enjoy the beautiful and cozy basement. Nydia Molina

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david ranjbar


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Rosalia Beltran

Ashton you rock!!!! I loved every step of this project. Very inspiring!

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I loved this video. I smiled and laughed...what a wonderful tribute to your mom, home and family.

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My basement is jealous of your basement!

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The Art

Sweet! I cried!! What a beautiful family!! and new living space!!WOW

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Outstanding! Ashton, you are awesome. Love HOUZZ! I used it for inspiration for in home renovation. I agree with you when you say that you can see elements from HOUZZ utilized in the home.

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Jane Austin

I love this! I love how the family was the story and how the home was an extension of the family not the other way around! If anyone has found the artist or title of the song please post it again.

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James PandaKiddo

Aaah, stubborn parents, what can you do? Shrug..... I love designing & building houses :D

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Sharon Grant

lovely video, Houzz is an amazing concept. Job well done.

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Lynne King Allen

Loved this from start to finish! What a wonderful thing you've done for your Mom!! Looks absolutely beautiful Ashton!!! I will be checking out Houzz for sure!!! Never heard of it to be honest, until tonight!

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Alejandro Alvarado

Love the way someone can just take a whole old memory and make new ones...ONE OF THESE DAY I HOPE I CAN DO THE SAME...

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It was a wonderful project and I got a little more insight into Ashtons personality and I was glad to see he was a mommas boy in every good sence . I cryed right along with his mom. Congrats on a job well done.

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Deena Rodney Aragon

Ashton what you done for you mother was such a loving and wonderful thing. You made me cry but that's a good thing, To see and hear just how much you love your mother was beautiful. I have two boy's of my own whom I raised by myself most of their growing years. So to see a son do this for his mother was heart warming. The basement it so totally beautiful and the way you brought it together was awesome. Thank you for sharing this with us. God Bless You and Your Family..

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Jennifer Germanotta McFadden

This was just an incredible transformation. I love what Ashton did for his mom and stepdad. This entire video series touched my heart. You have such a good heart Ashton. Well done!

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Sandy Krohe

I cried with your mom. Great job Ashton.

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This mom cried along with Ashton's. I did not expect that. What made the difference (as opposed to watching any other home makeover) is the deep love and affection Ashton literally exudes for his sweet mom, step-dad, and entire family. Thanks for sharing your generous gesture with the rest of us, Ashton. And congratulations, houzz and design staff, on a beautiful, beautiful job. Well done!

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M Rene Designs

Just beautiful Ashton! Just Gorgeous!

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I found houzz a couple of years ago, and enjoyed getting ideas as I was starting to build a house, so surprised to hear Ashton was also interested in this web site, and the great help he received from Catherine. loved watching this video. I will enjoy seeing him more than ever in his new endeavors in film after this.

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Fantastic idea to have a reno episode on Houzz. Ashton, killer job. Now I want more!

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Ashton--I have always loved you as an actor and you've always come across on TV and the big screen as such a good guy. Watching the video of your Mom's basement renovation was awesome! I just love it!!! How blessed you are to have such great parents and how blessed your parents are to have such a wonderful caring son. Congrats on your new baby and may God continue to bless you and your family.

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Ashton, you are all heart. You truly know and understand what family is all about. I am a fan of houzz, and was thrilled to see you love Houzz too. I cried along with your Mom while watching the reveal. Blessings to you and all your family.

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Ashton, that's exactly how I feel about my mom, I cried as soon as she started down the stairs and smiled so hard my face hurt. Here Here to A GOOD SON BE BLESSED !!

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Inspirational.....I feel the love......very very I am inspired to do that for my dad and stepmom one of these days!

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Suzanne Aunan Gallery

I love his loving thoughtful gift to his Mom. So awesome, I loved watching the show. AND thanks for including my painting "The Big Game" to the right of the fireplace! That was a happy surprise.

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I have always not had much respect for celebrities in the past based on bad behavior. BUT this gives me a much warmed heart knowing there are good people in tinzle town. I love what he has done for his mother. Tteating her like a queen Not another woman out there more deserving. I love this feeling the warm fuzzies!

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Love the transformation, and I love the Chicago Bears.

So it's a win win really. I just hope one day I can do the same for my mum, who has done everything to help me out in life. Nice work AK

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Broadfield construction

well done with you project, I hope to something like this for my mum one day.

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Mary Clark

Nice remodel....awwww the mom love tears, they happen when the gift comes from the heart......true karma - well done.

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I found myself smiling, laughing, and wiping tears through this series of videos. What a great remodel and a wonderfully sweet gift for Ashton's mom. Ashton, you're a good son. God bless.

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Rafael F. Bermejo

The father is quite a character! :) Fun, moving and very interesting too. Thank you!

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Grecia Lane

no such thing as a girlie girl, a lot of unatural frivalous gender acts asigned to boys and girls. A real girl is a compliment: gracefully active and creative Still his mom is grown mature woman, and he could give a more specic charatersic . The house looks outdoorsey rustic for the wild enviro friendly country gal or guy. . . hopefuly they have more of a hook then tripe trigger words.

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Grecia Lane

this made alot of people cry, it seemed genuine despite doubt that it was a stunt. She seems happy and it took some effort. He is blessed/worked hard to earn this great oprotunity to give back like this. Great concept to make it more modern, but like house they grew up in. It will help the connection between generations. How easy will it be to keep clean!
Silly ashton, he just got a daughter from kunis passively waitng while she made and birthed one. His sister resentlty delivered one or added to her family.

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Donna Mahlendorf

What a great gift to an amazing Mom and a step-dad who helped with pulling this off. The transformation is beautiful, and brought tears to my eyes as you lead your mom around to the different areas. It was a job well done and a gift a great gift of love and keeping family close. Bless you Ashton as you make trips with your family to your home and family. Love houzz!

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how do I access the Hollyhock House video?

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thanks for sharing this heartwarming video, realy enjoyed watching )))))

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Contracting By Us Inc

This is so great! The transformation is wonderful!

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I don't like Recliner but try this chair: Chaise Lounge Chair - Le Corbusier LC4 - Cowhide - Brown

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what a wonderful son . how humble and sweet . The mom must be so special to deserve this. lovely!

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Karla Perez


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Lorraine Rock

I started tearing up while he was explaining why he wanted to do it! What a tribute to his Mom and family that Ashton has remained so well-adjusted despite his fame!

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Jamie Maples Clark

This is just beautiful Ashton Kutcher! You all did such a very wonderful, wonderful job! I just love it and it is absolutely beautiful! You are just a very wonderful son Ashton and this was really sweet of you for doing this for your moma! You and your step dad did a very great job together and the other people that helped as well! Thanks for sharing this video with me and I really enjoyed watching it! Your mom was really excited and was so happy to have her basement done! Wow! Just a very beautiful transformation and job done very well! Your mom will never forget this day because her wonderful son and your step dad done all of this to make her a new basement! She is a really proud mom of a wonderful son! And again, Wonderful job Ashton!

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So nice to see a son who is good to his mom. Wow Ashton, just love you more, good man

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Wow! Just Wow! I've always admired Ashton but now he's elevated himself even higher in my eyes. I was in tears during the reveal. What an exceptional thing to do. The love and care he has for his mom is so heartwarming.

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Gwendolyn De Ashborough

What a wonderful Testament to a son's love and Appreciation to Both his Parents !!

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Way to go, Ashton!!!!! Your dear Mother was so overwhelmed with joy !!! Thank you for sharing this with us!!!! Ya'll are going to have many, many years ahead to make new memories in this new space in your "home" !!!! God bless you and your entire family.

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Barbara Culcasi

This brought me to tears! What a thoughtful gesture on Ashton's part! I was so impressed with the whole project - very inspiring!

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Atisang Ketane-Kuenane

nice thats amazing

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Marion Needham

your a great son Ashton

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Colin Tooth

Outstanding! Fantastic story, feel good all the way around. And, Houzz is something I will definitely entertain using in the future.

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Deena Patricia Zarboni

beautiful.... If I could only afford to do a part of this in my Mom's house! I am her caregiver 24/7... to brighten up this house would be a dream! I love what you did with the space in your Mom's basement... it's really very nice.. you're a good son!

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Laurie Mathis

I love how real your mother is. When she hugs Katherine at the end, you can see it is from her heart. She and her husband are a special couple and seem to know what is important in life. This remodel shows that a home doesn't need to be a mansion-small spaces can also be beautiful and comfy-cozy!!!!!! Your mother raised a wonderful son!!!

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Cheryl Lynn

This is a amazing story,I cried when she did.I burnt my Friday night taco shells.Oh I dont care ,you never see stars do things like this for their families....Ashton is the greatest son.

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Natasha Thomas

Ashton, BEAUTIFUL I love u

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Theresa Kreuzburg

Love the results, lots of light and a place for everything. Wonderful surprise!

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Ashton & Mark -

You are obviously both good Mid-Western men!

& Yes, your basement did look like the typical basement - which is okay but, you two and your designer Catherine rocked it! The new family room (basement doesn't do it justice anymore!) looks beautiful... and comfy at the same time.

'Love that you took the initiative and made "the Mama" happy.

I am proud of you both - enjoy!

- Christen, a Nebraska Farm Girl

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Wow! Thanks Ashton......Loved it!

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Incredibly Awesome.....Everything!

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Denyse Tripp

Absolutely amazing. What a transformation!!!

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Chris Anning

That would be sooo fun to do! What an awesome job, loved loved the reno. I think I will see if I can find w/c accessible deck ideas, etc, on that app. Thanks for sharing this :)

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Linda Fleming

Ashton you did an amazing job for your mom, i loved watching the whole process/reno omg way too cool. Can hardly wait to check out the Houzz Shop as i love reno's and looking to do another to my home. I hope canadian's can use and purchase from Houzz? Your family reminds me of mine, my brothers, my dad and me always doing all our own reno's ...lots of carpenters and talent here. Been such a fan of yours from the beginning even love you more now if that is possible. Well done Ashton and the Houzz team....


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Donna Andersen

Every Mom should have a son like Ashton!

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Teddie Wright

What a wonderfully warm full of love thing to do for your mom and dad. Always liked Ashton (70s and 2 1/2). What a great son.

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Michelle Small

Ashton...WAY TO GO!! I love everything you did for your mom. I always dreamed to do something special for my mom (Diane) but never got the chance because she passed away so young. Your mother reminds me so much of mine. You all seem so down to earth and that is so nice to see. Family is everything.

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Cindy Moe

Such a special bond between mom & son and also between Ashton & his step dad. Beautiful family :)

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What a great nice thing to do and a great family thanks for sharing this wonderful experience.

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Veronica Clark

It brought tears to my eyes, and made me laugh at the same time. What a wonderful son and mother, father, bond!!

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OMG that was just way too cool!! I just about cried in every room haha! I sure wish I could do this for my mama or that I had a kid that could do this for me :) ha either way it would be so neat!! I love Ashton!! What a great son!! God bless all of his family!!

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Roberta Facchinetti

amazing renovation! perfect example of a great Houzz experience

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Michele Bos

Enjoyed this video on Mother's Day - well done

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Sue Daniels

Awesome way to start a renovation and get ideas! I am going to push out our first floor and do our kitchen and this is the place I will go to for all of the ideas and for the contractors! Wonderful way to get the job done! Thanks for sharing! Really beautiful home!

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Alicia Owens

thanks for sharing Ashton, that was so special to see! what an amazing gift for your mother.

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Ashley Parker Robertson

Thank's for sharing Ashton,it was very moving sweet to see this wonderful gift you've gave your mom!

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Joseph Sarga

Aston You are one fantastic human being In todays world to see something like this is next to a miracle good for you and thank you to share it with us You are also my favorite on Two and The Half man Thank you to be one of a kind good luck in the future enjoy your family

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Tracy Fox

Nothing better than giving back...the app is very cool also

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S Kay

very beautiful, what a sweet and kind gift of love by Ashton and the man of the house, stepdad

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Louise Pitawanakwat

What an amazing actor,son to do this for his mother and step dad,you can tell he was raised right by giving back to his a family for raising him right,you have such a big heart Ashton!

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Ashton needs to go to the clone factory. Handsome, smart, talented and a wonderful son !!

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Kathy Warner

this video was so awesome. I enjoyed very much. You one of a kind in your private life and your acting life. You are so lucky to be able to do this for your mom

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Linda Riley

WOW!!! What a awesome son. Love the new space you and your stepdad created for you mom. She is so lucky !!!

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Radka Homola

Cried with mom.....Ashton is amazing loving son with big heart.... <3

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Jolene Daniels

One word that says it all.." LOVE" .. What an Awesome Son..

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Charlotte Yuhaha

home...saweet !

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Maria Lúcia Falco Guerra
how lovely son.....the basement is simply wonderful
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Clifford Grant

Similar to our boys whose colour is Green, meaning go, and not Red, meaning stop. What a wonderful family setting such possibilities. Thank you from White Rock, BC. Our boys' mother and my 50 year married wife died three weeks ago. A wonderful recognition to mothers.

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Sammyjoe Jones
That was sincerely a touching gesture. An excellent surprise from an excellent son.
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I WANT TO SAY !! GREAT SON . FANTASTIC MOM & STEPFATHER ..... The emotions that were here , just tore at my heart with happiness ... so wonderful...such devotion from a son to a very deserving Mother. Wishing this Family many many Happy Occasions together ...

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I never expected to cry at a Houzz video, but this made me fall in love with Houzz all over again and have a new found admiration for Ashton Kushner and family. Inspirational and moving. Thank you!

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Carol Burke

This was all very beautiful to watch . You are an amazing wonderful family ! You must be very proud to have such a thoughtful , loving son . Yes, and very talented ! I really enjoyed the way you brought it all together to make it so awesome . It is a gorgeous country home . I love the extra windows you put in . I love it , all . Ashton , you made your Mom very happy ! You are a great son ! I wish you all , the best health , peace and happiness . Always ! The grandchildren will love being in your new improved home . Congratulations , Ashton for your new baby girl !

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i want you setup my room
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This was so touching and heartfelt! Great job Ashton, you make your momma proud!!
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Carine Queen
waou beautiful. mom must be proud.
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The Outdoor Kitchen Design Store

Incredibly heartfelt.

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Ilene Dickinson
Rachel, thanks for sharing! I Love these videos, hilarious about the recliner, reminds me of dad as dad loves his recliners...As you know I am obsessed with Houzz and I never knew about the Polls... very cool! Fun to learn about the other things Houzz offers.
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Heidi Sweeney

Wow! Thanks for sharing!! Lucky Mom!! Found your site throught Urban Evolutions and this video taught me more about what the houzz website does. Thanks, can't wait to get started!!

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its really wonderfull, congratulation !

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Very well presented. The space is very inviting, warm and relaxing. I appreciate that Ashton's mother's collections were presented so thoughtfully, and that his stepdad was included in that consideration.

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Gennie Adair

What an awesome son......

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kamran ameri

Ashton you are and always will be my favorite actor not only talented but your heart is pure

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What an awesome gesture and blessing from son to mother. I love Houzz and I'm so grateful to have watched this, I'm ready to renovate my own house! Thanks Ashton, that comment about "feels good to try" had me in tears! Thank you for sharing!

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Irfan Hasan

what a great thing to takecare of parents, no replacement of family and esp parents and MOM


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Okay, I laughed, sweet and honestly I am addicted to Houzz - helped me through my first house renovation!

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Angela McKeown

Her knees almost buckled! She was so cute to watch and I have to say it brought a tear to my eye! Great job everyone!

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Aww made me cry!

A great son to an obvious amazing mom!


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Totally made me cry as well...what a great family. The space looks fantastic! I definitely using some of these ideas for my own basement reno. :)

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Leisa Young

Ashton, you are an amazing have never let hollywood taint you..your mother is an amazing women, she taught you to stay grounded.

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Barbara Vaccaro

wow ashton what a wonderful man you are. you touched your moms heart in a big way. i'm a mom, i have a son, i understand. God bless you and your entire family :)

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Nikole Nikki Salisbury Nelson

I loved this Ashton!!! I was worried for you... invading my space... someone else deciding what the 'good stuff' is... would be difficult for me. BUT your contractor, designer, step-dad and you all did amazing!!!! I was crying with your momma!

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Chick Chick

made me cry

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Thank during this difficult time in our country for showing us what is really important. FAMILY and LOVE. So very touching. What a great space and history to share with your children. I can just imagine all the holiday's shared in this lovely room. Thoroughly enjoyed watching. Houzz is a great resource.

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Lorin Ellis

I thoroughly enjoyed your videos of the family basement renovation. What a wonderful gift and tribute to your Mom and Stepdad! Also gave a lot of insight as to the versatility of Houzz.

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Gabby Deitsch

Wow! This video series is great - keep doing them! And I love that Ashton's mom drank a Miller Lite. My kind of lady!! ;) (PS where can I buy her salsa?)

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Rachel Elisabeth

This was so heart warming, I absolutely loved watching the reveal!

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Candace Gilmore-Stephensen

Wow! What an amazing renovation. I love the new space. What a great son you are Ashton :) Your whole family is so very sweet...<3

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Interiors Wow Home Staging & Interior Design

Adorable. Heartwarming, real, informative and entertaining!

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Janet Doschadis

Wonderful idea and great job pulling it off! Very representative of the way things get done here in rural America-humor, hard work and a beer. We'll have the next class reunion at your house Diane!

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Thanks for sharing :)

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He's the best!!!! blubbered right along with Diane!!

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Hannah Powell

I laughed! I cried! (through the whole last episode!) I love these Ashton Kutcher videos of celebrities doing something nice for their parents! We want more!

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Judy Pinsonault

Loved the remodel and the show format. What a great family.

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Janice Morgan

Beautiful. Still blubbering.

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Enjoyed the show, loved the renovation!

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Farhanna Mzf

i love it. it actually made me cry seeing his mother cried.. love them all!

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AC Silver Antiques

This is so lovely! Such a nice thing to do, and what a renovation!

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Lisa Ybarra

OMG! So happy you decided to incorporate home remodels of people we only see working on t.v. into this site. It gives a whole different perspective to them as people. It just made an already AWESOME place to shop for ideas and inspiration EXCEPTIONAL!

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Sydney Leigh
Mark is a funny guy!
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Janelle Etsitty

Momzz R BEST ;*)