Oregon Tile & Marble
Oregon Tile & Marble
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Ceramic & Porcelain Tile ideas

Kauri, by Acif - Italian rectified glazed porcelain with the look of petrified wood in three finishes. Using inkjet technology, the Bark with its rough textured finish represents the outside of the tree, while the Natural and Lappato finishes both represent the core of the tree. Acif uses a separate graphic development for the Bark finish that is different from the graphic on the other two finishes.

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Rebecca Gross added this to In Praise of Porcelain Surfaces26 December 2016

Outdoor floor tilesAll the reasons that make porcelain tiles a great choice for indoor flooring also apply outdoors....

What Houzzers are commenting on
Stacie Bailey added this to stacielatino's ideas19 January 2025

Outside tile

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