Average rating: 3.4 out of 5 stars5 ReviewsView Profile

Esher, Surrey

Lazenby’s Cream Buff polished concrete floor, was installed 100mm deep over underfloor heating, throughout 89m2 of the ground floor. The cylindrical underfloor cellar is a primary feature and required accuracy and master craftsmanship at installation to achieve the beautiful colour and superior finish required, both at the edges and surrounding area. The floor was poured before the cellar was fitted out so needed to be carefully protected with Lazenby’s three layer covering system, throughout the curing period. The joint plan ensures that the open plan, streamline feel is maintained. The floor took the normal 3 days to install, excluding the 28 day curing period. This extensive refurbishment shows off Lazenby’s superior quality and appears to get 100% family approval.
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