MMAD Architecture
MMAD Architecture
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars6 ReviewsView Profile

Fitzroy North House

Dark floor tiles laid in a herringbone pattern wrap up the shower wall and into the skylight over the shower. Timber joinery , marble benchtop, full height mirror and Venetian plaster add contrast and warmth to the bathroom. Thank you for all the interest in the tile. It's called Mountains Black (600x75mm) and is supplied by Perini Tiles Bridge Rd Richmond, Melbourne Victoria Australia Image by: Jack Lovel Photography
What Houzz contributors are saying
Amanda Pollard added this to 7 Tile Ideas to Make a Small Bathroom Feel Bigger23 January 2019

2. Direct the eyeA chevron or herringbone pattern can make a room appear bigger, as the shapes move the eye along the...

What Houzzers are commenting on
smlawler7 added this to Bathroom13 hours ago

Floor tile

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