Cambridge Pavingstones with ArmorTec
Cambridge Pavingstones with ArmorTec
Average rating: 2.6 out of 5 stars34 ReviewsView Profile

Massachusetts Patio

An intimate Massachusetts patio: Pavingstones: The RoundTable Collection 6x6 & 6x9 Sahara/Chestnut Design Kit: The RoundTable Collection Circle Design Kit Sahara/Chestnut Border: The RoundTable Collection 6x6 Onyx/Natural Wallstones: MaytRx 6 Split Face with Double-Sided Cap all Sahara/Chestnut Stairs: 72"" Cast Stone Steps Chestnut Pre-Packaged Kits: Column with optional cap & Pyzique Round Barbeque & Fire Pit all Split Face Sahara/Chestnut

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Scott Brafford added this to My Project20 June 2021

Stone seating area

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