2,680 Victorian Garden Design Photos

Дизайн участка с цветниками и злаковыми травами - прошло 10 лет.
Дизайн участка с цветниками и злаковыми травами - прошло 10 лет.
Ландшафтная мастерская Алены АрсеньевойЛандшафтная мастерская Алены Арсеньевой
Ландшафтный дизайн участка 20 соток с садом трав осенью. Уже выросли большие деревья, которые мы сажали. Деревья стали фоном для дандшафтного дизайна всего дачного участка. Фото ландшафтного дизайна сада прошло после завершения ландшафтных работ 10 лет. Автор проекта: Алена Арсеньева. Реализация проекта и ведение работ - Владимир Чичмарь
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Historic Landscape Design, Wilmette Illinois
Historic Landscape Design, Wilmette Illinois
Schmechtig LandscapesSchmechtig Landscapes
Request Free Quote Backyard Landscape Formal Design in Wilmette, IL. using crushed blue stone, flagstone,roses, boxwoods.
Summer 2023
Summer 2023
Luxury GardensLuxury Gardens
The southerly aspect provides advantageous conditions for the garden to flourish. This favourable position allows for a greater range of planting, encompassing a variety of seasonal vegetables and plants that like hot conditions.
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Geo Designs Landscape and GardenGeo Designs Landscape and Garden
Pictish Triskelion inspired parterre.
Victorian Terrace Garden: Winslow, Bucks.
Victorian Terrace Garden: Winslow, Bucks.
Peter Reader LandscapesPeter Reader Landscapes
A mixture of evergreen and flowering plants tumble over the Victorian tiles.
Peterborough, formal hedge and stone pathway
Peterborough, formal hedge and stone pathway
Meyer's Landscaping Ltd.Meyer's Landscaping Ltd.
Because it is so easy to prune, boxwood is a satisfying hedging material because it can be trimmed into architectural shapes. In this garden it acts as a low enclosure for shrubs that billow behind it. This garden requires regular maintenance and upkeep.
Victorian Charm
Victorian Charm
Montgomery Robbins, Inc.Montgomery Robbins, Inc.
Our clients wanted their garden to attract wildlife including birds, butterflies and hummingbirds. We added bird houses bird feeders and this water fountain that doubles as a bird bath along this meandering stone path.
Harrod Horticultural Kitchen Garden
Harrod Horticultural Kitchen Garden
Harrod HorticulturalHarrod Horticultural
Designed by RHS Chelsea Flower Show gold medal winner Tom Hoblyn for Harrod Horticultural MD Stephanie Harrod back in 2005. Stephanie’s Kitchen Garden was set up primarily to trial various methods of growing fruit and vegetables and to share the knowledge gained with our customers. It has also given us the opportunity to develop and manufacture products to enable us to successfully grow flavour packed fruit and vegetables.
Village Victorian
Village Victorian
Kerry Lewis Landscape ArchitectureKerry Lewis Landscape Architecture
Brick walk and lavender hedge. First year of planting.
Pomello Residence
Pomello Residence
HartmanBaldwin Design/BuildHartmanBaldwin Design/Build
In keeping with the estate’s traditional English Tudor style 10,000 sq. ft. of gardens were designed. The English Gardens are characterized by regular, geometric planting patterns and pathways, with antique decorative accessories heightening their old-world feel. Special nooks and hideaways, coupled with the sound of cascading water in fountains, create a serene environment, while delicate lighting in planter boxes makes the garden perfect for early evening strolls.

2,680 Victorian Garden Design Photos

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