Synergraphic Design

Synergraphic Design

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About Us

An art+design studio and production facility using the fluidity of glass to create inviting features of all forms, functions, sizes and scales that are enduring and iconic to your personality and brands. Synergraphic Design supports ambitious architects, designers, brands and institutions globally to achieve breakthroughs in concept and design. Since our inception in 1986, we have become synonymous with quality and innovation in glass art and design, specialising in providing concept, design, fabrication and installation of decorative, sculptural and structural glass art works for architectural and interior spaces. Over thirty years, Synergraphic has created hundreds of features in glass and mixed media for projects in more than 15 countries, with landmark locations including St Regis Singapore, Partners Monument at Taipei 101 and the Crystal Pyramid in Brunei. Synergraphic design currently has offices in Hong Kong, Macau and China.

Services Provided

Art Installation, Custom Artwork, Functional Art Glass, Glass Kitchen Backsplashes, Glass dividers, Glass Doors, Feature Wall, Prototyping, Consultancy & Prototyping, Art & Design Services, Installation & Restoration

Areas Served

Singapore, China, India, Brunei, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Macau


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Business Details

Business Name

Synergraphic Design

Phone Number



10 Changi South Street 1


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