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About Us

LA31 aka Lamed Aleph 31 - The design artisan originally started up as a creative sticker professional for residences in Dec 2016. Since then, LA31 has evolved in growing and expanding its business in multiple areas. Still maintaining its name as an design artisan in continuing its creative stickers design services to residences, LA31 also found other opportunities in outdoor advertising services for corporations and retailers, and also starting to export its products globally. In 2018, LA31 has went through a revamping of our e-commerce website into a full pledged social commerce portal, which allows social media followers to make their purchases through all our social media platforms. And at the same time, LA31 “Total Home Solutions Partners Network” are open to all home suppliers, home improvement vendors and other home related business owners to join in our social media platform network in business collaborations. However LA31 does not stop there. We are always constantly evolving on how to get better in running our business and stay technologically competitive not just profitability and also ethically. In all, LA31 vision & mission focus only 1 thing: HOME. You want to know about HOMES, find LA31. https://www.carousell.sg/lamedaleph31/

Services Provided

Paint Sales, Wallcovering Sales, wall decals

Areas Served


Professional Information

LA31 also known as Lamed Aleph 31 is an graphic artisan in creativity on decor designs, offers to home, families or gifts to your loved ones.


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Business Details

Business Name


Phone Number

9857 1568



Typical Job Cost

$25 - $5,000


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