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About Us

Perfectly Painted, the home of totally chalked! paint. Custom mixed colours, and plenty to choose from. There is no strong odour and very low organic compounds. Chalk paint adheres to just about any surface: wood, plastic, cement, metal, ceramic and even fabric. Best of all there is no prepping or sanding required as the paint can be applied directly onto a clean surface. We also stock Cling On brushes - extremely durable, top of the line handmade brushes from Holland.

Services Provided

totally chalked! chalk paint Paint for sale Furniture painting service

Areas Served


Professional Information

Call us at +65 98281957 or email us renata@perfectly-painted.com


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Business Details

Business Name

Perfectly Painted

Phone Number

9828 1957



Typical Job Cost

$100 - $800

Email us photos to in order for us to quote.


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