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About Us

From meticulous stone selection to in-house expertise and modern technology, we ensure all materials are processed, cut and polished to industry standards. Our commitment to supplying only the best quality natural stones and dependable integrated services have won us many esteemed partnerships with some of the most reputable architectural firms, developers and interior designers in the region. Stonrich is also the exclusive partner for NeoLith Sintered Stone.

Services Provided

Countertop Installation, Countertop Sales, Granite Countertops, Marble Countertop, Masonry, Natural Stone Countertops, Stone Installation, Tile Countertops, Tile Installation, Flooring, Wall Cladding, Marble supply, Granite supply, Travertine supply, Sintered stone supply, fabrication and cutting

Areas Served

Singapore, Regional


Presented with Pinnacle Award by Marble Institute of America in 2016 - An international recognition for precision fabrication Presented with Asia Pacific Brands Award in 2014 BizSafe Certified

Professional Information

Stonrich Pte Ltd 8 Neythal Road, Singapore 628575 Tel: 65 6396 8851 Fax: 65 6396 8852


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Business Details

Business Name

Stonrich Pte Ltd

Phone Number

6396 8851




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