Wardrobe Designers & Professional Organisers in Bukit Merah.

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Bukit Merah / 50 km
115 of 57 professionals
57 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Wardrobe Designers & Professional Organisers in Bukit Merah.

Global Mindful Journey
Wardrobe Designers & Professional Organisers in Bukit Merah.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars17 March 2021
“Aparna has a magic wand. She waves her wand and just like that your house is organised:) The best part about Aparna is she doesn’t preach what she has not tried and implemented at her own home. She gives you practical solutions to your problems. I took a group coaching program from her and I have learnt so much! I can sit and visualise how my new house will look like with a place for everything and everything in its place. If I were in singapore, I would have taken one on one consultation from her. Highly recommend!”
Wardrobe Designers & Professional Organisers in Bukit Merah.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars4 February 2017
“Tracey did magic with our 16sq meter shop at Cluny Court. Without her expertise we were clueless as to how to organise. She definitely SORTED things for us!”
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