
Stihl Chainsaw - starts but won't run

18 years ago

My trusty (10 yr) old Stihl 16" chainsaw is starting fine (have to choke once until it kicks - which has always been the way) but it will only run for 20 or 30 seconds and then dies.

Re-chocking (once until it kicks) gets it running again for another 20-30 seconds. This pattern continues to repeat itself even after the saw is well warmed up.

Has to be a 'gas' problem - I'm thinking bad/dirty gas, or maybe more likely a carburetor problem (eg fuel pump?).

I'll get deeper into the diagnosis this weekend, but thought in the meantime I'd ask for any advice and ideas...

Comments (78)

  • 13 years ago

    Leo : 1st H & L setting are usually 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 from bottomed (closed) Also you have not mentioned if the fuel filter has been checked for restriction or if the diaphram has been inspected , a small tear or sag (deformation) can cause erratic performance. obviously all fuel lines must also be inspected for any pinch points and proper tightness along with the carb flange nuts. You certainly seem to have a fuel restriction problem , since it intially starts. Ensure to remove the jets and gentley use a small tag wire to clean the orifice along with carb cleaner and compressed air . Secondly use 2 ounces of fuel cleaner within fresh fuel and let it sit a half hour then attempt restart using choke to keep unit running until cleaner helps remove residue from the carb circuits. All the Best .

  • 13 years ago

    I adjusted the H&L settings as adviced by ewalk and it ran cherry. Thanks ewalk! I am still wondering why the setting instructions in the owners manuel and on the fuel filter cover are incorrect ???

  • 13 years ago

    Great Leo ! Happy that you have it running CHERRY . Just a note of further info . On the High speed setting ensure that you do not have it running to lean (MAX RPM) I usually suggest max RPM (once warmed up) then turn it out until it diesels and then 1/8 turn in (leaner) . The Low Speed is the setting I do 1st in or out a 1/4 turn to ensure no hesitation . The Idle Speed (once warmed up) so that chain is just tring to rotate , this ensures a good Cold idle without stalling. Plug checks are what I always do to identify the state of condition of any engine . Medium to Light brown is Ideal . Also as to your question of Manf. Recommended settings they are usually correct , sometimes (over time) restrictions (dirt gum) or wear of seats and needles or elevation changes (barometric pressure) conditions will require different settings . So don't sweat it . Also if you get bored keep and eye on your fuel inlet prefilter (screen)within the carb and under the diaphram it usually is the secondary filter which catchs any minute particles that the inline (fuel tank) filter may miss. I also alway advise to use a fuel cleaner additive annually (beginning of the season once) alone with a Stabil product during prolonged storage . I have usually used Lucas Top end and injector cleaner which cleans rings and piston crown of carbon and also cleans and lubricates injectors or throttle shafts and passages etc. However a wise forum member RDaystom has put me on to Star*tron Product available at Walmart within their RV Section which is a Great Product . Anyhow Thanx for the follow up note Happy Cutting Dude !

  • 13 years ago

    Take the damn tank vent off. Bet this will fix most problems. The vent on my MS290 has been causing me trouble for 3 years. I finally tore it apart and put some foam in it and got rid of the check valve feature. That was the problem. You might lose a few drops of gas but, so what.
    Other than that, it runs powerful great when you can get it started. I have been cussing this thing since I got it. I have a McCulloch 7-10 that is 30 something and doesn't give me as much trouble.

  • 13 years ago

    This thread really contains some valuable information but one thing that wasn't mentioned was the spark plug. A number of years back my Stihl 011AV would start and run fine for about 30 seconds. Took it to the shop. They told me they fixed it. It did the same thing. Next door neighbor said, "Maybe after it runs for awhile and gets hot the plug is breaking down at the higher temp." I put a new plug in it and it solved the problem. Chain saws, particularly the small models are finiky. Everything mentioned in this thread can cause a problem.

    Papa Jim

  • 13 years ago


  • 13 years ago

    I had the same problem.
    The answer in my case was to replace the fuel line. It was completly soft from the ethanol in the fuel, so much so, that when I went to fish the tank filter out, the line just disolved away.

  • 13 years ago

    doesnt really start just fires a sec and quits no matter what has been done

  • 13 years ago

    029 chaisaw starts and runs great, but blows gas out of the carb. Inspected carb and everything that I can see looks good. any suggestions for a fix?
    Thanks, AJTHOMAS

  • 13 years ago

    my craftsman seems to have to much fuel through the carb and exhaust it will run for about a min then dead wont restart until 4-5 hrs later----??

  • 13 years ago

    Have a ms220 that starts fine with the choke but cuts out when full throttle is applied. Is this a similar fault to those above? Anyone know of a repair manual on line so that i can strip the carb

  • 12 years ago

    I know its like beating a dead horse but i have a huska 240 that i bought last fall ran great,ran the fuel outta it and stored it in my warm dry basement,well today i put fuel in her and it fired up and died 10 seconds later..so repeat and repeat same thing! so i pull the plug and it looks great,fuel lines..filter all look new,thought maybe it was the fuel because its sat since last fall,but the other saw is running just fine with that fuel,so i tryed to crack the gas cap..same thing.I did notice after i prime it and losen the gas cap its under pressure and poors out when i open it? also if i prime it just before it dies it stays running..what gives? this saw is new!

  • 12 years ago

    I found this link very helpful for cleaning/fixing Stihl carb; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eyq3zybE4z0

    I ordered and replaced Carb Kit, now it runs great!

    Here is a link that might be useful: Repairing Stihl 250 chainsaw

  • 12 years ago

    I have a strange problem with my chain saw. It starts easy and cuts fine in the VERTICAL position, but stalls when I rotate it 90 degrees (HORIZONTAL) to cut a tree down. Has anyone experienced something like this? Thanks for the help.

  • 11 years ago

    I replaced the spring (under the metering lever) in the carby of my Stihl 029 - because I foolishly lost the existing one when trying to replace after cleaning. Wasn't able to get an original spring - got one similar (maybe slightly bigger). Now saw dies when trying to throttle up. Am guessing the spring is the problem though I know it could be a host of other things. Fuel line and filter looks good though haven't had it out. Diaphragm and seals are good - replaced some. My question can anyone provide a link to a nice diagram of how the fuel works through the carby - how the meter lever is activated etc. Also I guess I need a link to a site where I can get an original spring for my Tillotson carby (even if intnl) - I'm in Australia.

  • 11 years ago

    put a straight edge along the metering side with out any gasket or diaphragms, the inlet needle should barley see air between the lever and the straight edge as far as dying when you throttle up is seems like your running to lean on the low side need to ritchen it up a bit if you go more than 2 turns out from the set position you have other problems

  • 11 years ago

    Sorry - been off the air for a few days. Thanks GoldTec. I didn't think I'd touched the H & L adjustments on the carboy - but I clearly had. Anyway reset them both to 1.25 turns from fully clockwise and cleaned the spark arrestor and she running great now. Thanks again.

  • 11 years ago

    I have a stihl ms 211 chainsaw it will start but wont run for long , when you squeeze the throttle it cuts out ..how far should the h/l screws be turned out and the la screw as well. any help would be apreceated thanks

    This post was edited by houtyinoz on Sun, May 26, 13 at 20:50

  • 11 years ago

    -> houtyinoz
    Both H & L normally are set 1.25 turns back from fully clockwise. But first set the idle speed using the other screw. Adjust idle up till the saw starts to surge and the chain rotates, then adjust the other way till it starts to chug and miss. then set in the middle of the 2.

  • 11 years ago

    New question: for a Stihl MS2700, it starts and runs fine in vertical position. Once you roll it over to a horizontal position to cut a tree, it dies. After restarting, revving it up and trying again for 3 or 4 times, it will run fine in horizontal position. But then stalls once it is set down again. Any suggestions why it is acting up?

  • 11 years ago

    Someone else may be able to improve on this description but let me give it a go. In most chainsaw carbys fuel is aspirated from the fuel tank by 2 mechanisms. 1 is the air that gets sucked past the inlet from the fuel tank. The second is via an impulse line (from the engine) which sucks in direct sync with the 'revs' of the engine. This line works on one of the 2 diaphragms in the carby to suck fuel up into the carby independent of which way the saw is sitting. First guess would be check or replace the diaphragms in the carby, check or replace the impulse line.

  • 10 years ago

    Homelite 150 Starts with quick start for 3-5 sec.
    Changed fuel line and filter
    Changed gas
    took apart carb and put back together
    when you look at the clear fuel line it is only 1/2 way full of gas, I am not sure.
    what is the purpose of the diapharm?
    At one point when the carb was apart I tried blowing into the fuel line and it is tight like it was clogged, but looking on line it looks like it is supposed to be. Any suggestions?
    I am thinking it is some type of vacuum thinig?

  • 10 years ago

    My Stihl Farm Boss was running okay, but wanted to stall sometimes while cutting. I noticed when it stalled that if I removed the gas cap I heard a small release of pressure or vacuum. After I ran the tank out, I refilled but it will not start at all now. Suggestions?

  • 10 years ago

    sounds like a pluged up vent line

  • 9 years ago

    I have a Stihl 018c Chain Saw with a problem. I starts fine and runs fine until I try to throttle up power to use it. Then it seems to choke up and I have to release the throttle to keep it running. I installed a new plug, cleaned out the air filter, inspected the spart arrestor screen, but there is no carb adjustment screws to reset or adjust. HELP !!!

  • PRO
    9 years ago

    Iv Got a about 15 of these tools and when this starts going on i normally say there on there way out. i use them to cut fence panels with

  • 9 years ago

    I just bought a used 031 that was missing its air filter cover. Starts and runs without cover.had trouble getting to start with cover. Actually forced it to run while putting air filter cover on and watched it die while full throttle. Weird???please send some advice. Thankyou

  • 9 years ago

    My Stihl 017 was sawing away then it pop. died and would not start! I installed a new plug, tried new gas and it still will not start. It has spark at the plug with the plug laying on the head! I take my lighter and hold it at the spark plug hole and pull the rope and shoots flames out, so I assume it is getting fuel. It seems to have compression but it will not start! What do you think?

  • 9 years ago

    I have a 028 super sthil chainsaw I bought a new carburator, a new fuel line,a new fuel filter,a new oil line,and filter, a new coil,and plug wire, a new plug, fresh gas, cleaned the mufller screen, I've actually taken it apart so many times I can do it in my sleep, IT STILL WILL NOT RUN?. I start it it will run for a second or so but thats it, I took apart the new carb and checked it out carefully no damage, I even put the old one back on still would not run, did a pressure test still nothing anybody have any advise?

  • 8 years ago

    I have a Stihl 031 AV. Starts and cuts out within 10 to 30 seconds UNLESS I shake the saw, that is rock it aound fairly actively. Then it will keep running. Have carb kitted it, changed the fuel filter in the gas tank. Can't imagine why shaking the saw around would keep it running. Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • 7 years ago

    My Stihl MS270 would not run under full throttle. I took the top off of the carburetor, removed the jet, and could see a very faint filament in the orifice. I blew it out with air pressure (mouth might have done it), reassembled (with some challenge) and it works great.

  • 7 years ago

    new carb farmboss lines clear spray carburator runs while spraying.not picking up fuel.damnit

  • 7 years ago

    After spending several days trying to fix my Poulan Pro 295, I ended up purchasing a Stihl MS 362 C-M with a 25" bar and a spare yellow chain yesterday; have to put it through it's paces today.

  • 7 years ago

    farmboss new carb. newlines and filter clean throughout.will run when sprayed.stop spray saw quits.help

  • 7 years ago

    You have no fuel to carb apparently , check fuel filter blockage or pinched fuel line.

  • 7 years ago

    did that when I saw I wasn't getting fuel

  • 7 years ago

    Ms210c new carb, news fuel lines, new gas, new plug, news fuel filter. Runs for 15 seconds then dies. Any clues what to try next?

  • 7 years ago

    Potential ignition module issues , breaking down .

  • 7 years ago

    Phil , check under diaphragm that inlet needle valve is not stuck . Somewhere there is an obstruction not allowing fuel to carb . Check also high & low jets are set properly .

  • 7 years ago

    jets r set .haven't checked inlet needle.i assumed being new it was ok.will check thanks.

  • 7 years ago

    My STIHL 034 AV SUPERU had the same problems, I cleaned the carb a few times and did not help. then I read ewalk's post and took out the H L adjustment screws and took the carb. apart again and blew it out with some cleaner and my compressor. After reassembly and using the 1.25 adjustments on the H L valves. Vavoom I works like new.. thank you all for your comments on this subject.

  • 7 years ago

    Good to hear Lloyd , ensure to useful conditioner during storage to prevent reoccurance .

  • 7 years ago

    My 1997 Stihl TS 510 Brazilian made cut off saw (same metal base as a chainsaw, carb's a Tillotson) ran well for 10 minutes, then lost power if under load, but would spin up if not under load and sound ok, but bog down again if loaded. So, I replaced the ignition coil with Stihl part and it coughed once after a couple pulls but didn't start, then I have a very short shot of ether, ran for .5 second, then, no more signs of starting. Pulled carb, looked at hoses, cleaned carb with brake cleaner, diaphragms look good, it ran a second on first pull, then no coughs, nothing. The upper seal on the carb, just below air filter is not completely torn, but is thin and tattered. There is a very small gas leak, a few drips around the hose attachment onto the big rubber fitting that pushes with some effort into the metal hole the hoses run through to the gas tank. IDK if the Tillotson is original, or the last guy had problems?

    I took the hoses off, blew through them, no visible issues. I think it's a fuel issue. What's my next move?

  • 7 years ago

    Replace the carb mount and fuel line 1st then if still no go , clean carb inlet needle valve and h& l jets .

  • 6 years ago

    Handy 49cc starts fine but bogs down when hot ???Any ideas please?

  • 6 years ago

    Should add,fuel clean,filter clean,spark plug clean,,,runs and cuts fine for a couple of minutes,then just keeps bogging down,it runs at idle for ever

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Inlet needle valve screen debris , low speed jet debris or too lean setting 1-1\2 out req,d and possible bad coil .

  • 6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    Oliva one of the cheapest made Husky,s currently sold ! I would never recommend this Husky Model !

  • 6 years ago

    I have a partner P738 model chainsaw ,.. wont idel or run but when I hold down the throttle it fires up but boggy ,.. gas filter has being replaced along with a carb clean and smoke screen cleaned and still not working any ideas ? new plug also but not running correctly

  • 6 years ago

    Brian , have you inspected the inlet needle valve prefilter located under the diaphragm . This screen often becomes covered with debris which will starve the saw for fuel . Also the high and low jets should be cleaned and adjusted 1-1/4 to 1-12 out from seated . I would also ensure all lines are tight and in good condition , just for future reference Bud !

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