
Hi Houzz Community admin, how do I get a Pro to respond to a query?

8 years ago

I posted something on Discussions some time ago, about a Boconcept desk. Haven't received any reply... I'm not upset or angry or anything, just wondering – and maybe this applies for a lot of Houzz users here too, who ask about how much a product costs, etc – is Discussions the place to ask. Or do I message the Pro directly (I noticed that there's a pop-up box for queries when I'm looking at a Pro's page)? Thank you!

Comment (1)

  • 8 years ago

    HI there, I am not sure how I missed this one but if you are still wondering, indeed the Contact box for a pro is a more direct way of asking them a question about a product or project. In any case, it is up to the professional if they choose to respond.

    Thanks for your question,

    Luke (Community Manager)

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