
Houzz's Spring Clean Challenge!

Emmeline Westin
7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

Who’s in? What are you going to do to get your home ready for spring? The Association for Professional Declutterers and Organisers are at hand to help you with any decluttering and cleaning conundrums. Post your comment or question below and their members will help you with your query (no one will judge here!).

You can also share your plans and report back when you’ve made progress. Please post any inspirational before/after photos that can help motivate others.

Looking forward to hearing what you’re all up to!

(This discussion is part of our Big Spring Clean campaign, you can find this discussion there, too, as well as articles to help get your home shipshape)

Family Living - South Downs Sussex · More Info

Comments (40)

  • sunali19
    7 years ago
    How do clean velvet chairs?
  • Becky Johnston
    7 years ago

    I would try steam cleaning them sunali19. I have washed velvet curtains (quite a long time ago) and they washed well in a cold wash in machine. Obviously more difficult to take off chair covers, which only leaves you with one option if doing this yourself.

  • C S
    7 years ago

    I've installed a GIGANTIC shoe rack onto the back of the door leading to our cellar. We can now store 36 pairs of shoes. I had to plane the side of the door and do a few other things to make it work well, but I'm delighted with it. My best spring cleaning thing so far, ever.

  • Anna Poulter
    7 years ago

    I have a cupboard in my hall that has the combi boiler and a shelf, this area is OK. But the underneath is used to store our shoes/boots etc. It is a complete mess. Very difficult to find a pair. We have decided we need to buy/create some kind of storage unit for this area. Does anyone have any tips or ideas? The area is 67cm (w) x 67cm (B) x 112cm (h) I would share a photo but I am too ashamed.

  • rachelmoen
    7 years ago

    how do I start to clean and declutter my house which is too full of lovely things but too many !!!

  • A B
    7 years ago

    I am trying to create more of a capsule wardrobe. I am also keeping out of season coats and clothes stored separately. My other challenge is despite having loads of storage i need to convince everyone to use it! Actually one more! Any recommendations for door mats that remove mud from shoes effectively (seen a few advertised do they work)?

  • Gerry Rust
    7 years ago

    I find there is only one way to give a room a really good clean and that is to redecorate! It's the only time you move all the furniture, take down curtains, remove all the pictures and mirrors from the walls and when you finish painting you clean all the windows and floors. So I am going to start on the lounge and then move on to the kitchen and utility, when I can summon up the energy :D

  • PRO
    A Tidy Mind West & North Yorkshire
    7 years ago

    Hi @AnnaPoulter, I would recommend using cubby hole storage for shoes. It tends to work really well to separate them out. You can place two pairs in one cubby hole if space is limited. You can buy stackable open boxes from amazon and IKEA.

  • PRO
    A Tidy Mind West & North Yorkshire
    7 years ago

    Hi @rachelmoen, congratulations on your decision to get started. I would recommend first visualising what you would like the end result to be. Do you want a clear kitchen/dining room table, to be able to find everything quickly etc? The end goal will allow you to start planning step by step actions. Start with either one room or one category i.e. toiletries, kitchen equipment. Try to make the first focus about non emotive items. I often suggest clients start in the bathroom or kitchen first. But don't over face yourself. Maybe simply tackle one drawer or cupboard first and build up from there.

  • PRO
    Organised Life
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Hi rachelmoen A Tidy Mind has given some great advice. You do need to be clear about what you are trying to achieve first. We put together our 11 top practical tips for decluttering in this blog so once you've done that these may help you get stuck in. Do start with the easy things first rather than tackling things you love.

  • PRO
    Organised Life
    7 years ago

    Anna Poulter pull out storage might work best for you here if the space is suitable. This [picture[(https://www.houzz.co.uk/photos/colleens-bedroom-traditional-wardrobe-detroit-phvw-vp~4716012) might give you some ideas. A local carpenter will be able to help you make the best use of the space.

  • PRO
    Organised Life
    7 years ago

    Jen P capsule wardrobes can work really well for a lot of people, good luck with yours. As for convincing people to use the storage persistence pays off. The key is making it easier to use the storage than not. So remove the option to use other places to drop items rather than store them and make sure your storage places are clear and easy to access.

  • PRO
    Concetta Fordham
    7 years ago

    Dear Anna Poulter, another idea, where you can maximize your space and be cheaper could be using a PVC pipe cut to size and placed in your space. Remember also to be assertive with the number of shoes you actually use and need!

  • PRO
    Concetta Fordham
    7 years ago

    Hi Gerry, it's very zealous what you want to achieve, but careful not to run out of steam! If your walls are not scuffed/chipped, they can be wiped quite easily. By hiring a professional cleaner you can achieve your spring cleaning without redoing each room. Decluttering and moving furniture around is also a good way to refresh your spaces. However, if you want to change the colour and/or the look of your room then redecorating is the answer!

  • Gerry Rust
    7 years ago

    conchi the home coach - I frequently want to change the colour and look of my rooms, (spending hours on sites like this and Pinterest doesn't help ;) fortunately I have neither the time nor the finances to indulge too often! I find it an incentive whenever I clean to change a few things around, just to keep me interested :D I'm fine (steamwise) once I get started on a project as a) there is the thrill of the transformation to keep you going and b) I get sick of living in chaos...Getting started though, is another matter :D

  • PRO
    SortMySpace Ltd
    7 years ago
    @CS, that sounds immense! Would love to see that shoe storage solution...
    @anna poulter, these Vonhaus Shoe Storage options on eBay could do the trick... they're modular so you can leave taller spaces for boots etc and can build to suit the space you have (eg build tapered if it's under the stair cupboard and sloping ceiling etc)
  • PRO
    SortMySpace Ltd
    7 years ago
    @Becky Johnston: how is your project going? it's not a quick one but will certainly make you smile each day when you're not fighting with the carpet so hang on in there!
  • PRO
    SortMySpace Ltd
    7 years ago
    @gerryrust, I think you might be right... recent research revealed that half the UK have ditched the full spring clean each year! Good luck motoring on through all those rooms!
  • Anna Poulter
    7 years ago

    @sortmyspace @conchi @organisedlife Thanks for all the tips. Those are some really helpful ideas. A problem I have is that the cupboard is in the hall and one of the few bits of storage we have in our small flat. So the bottom of it is also taken up with paint pots, spare tiles etc. I would like to find a solution that works to incorporate all. But I am not sure if this is possible or indeed how. Thats the one draw back of apartment living. You have to get very nifty with how you can store things away.

  • Emmeline Westin
    Original Author
    7 years ago

    We have a "cable cupboard" at home, which I need to clear out. I suspect most of them are useless anyway. So I think I've got my weekend sorted!

  • PRO
    SortMySpace Ltd
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    How did you get on over the weekend Emmeline? If you need more inspiration to get untangled, check out an APDO member's tips on "electrical spaghetti"

  • PRO
    SortMySpace Ltd
    7 years ago

    @AnnaPoulter If you can bear sharing a photo we may be able to come up with some ideas that cover paint pots as well as shoes etc. Is there any wall space to hang a shoe caddy to reduce the fight for floorspace? Perhaps one could go on the back (inside) of the cupboard door?

  • PRO
    Concetta Fordham
    7 years ago

    Hi Gerry, apologies for a very late comment ;) yes, I understand it is difficult to get started and gather the right ideas/ vision. It's also so overwhelming and time consuming going through pictures and projects on the web! I can suggest to collate your likes and inspirational ideas starting one room per time (you can use your HOUZZ page or pinterest to start your own project). However, it's worth considering getting some advice from an interior designer who can just give you a head start with a concept/mood board after looking at your space and needs you have. That way, you will have a direction on colours, material, furniture layout, etc. and you will be able to do the rest yourself knowing that your project has been well thought for your home and you. Good luck and have fun.

  • Emmeline Westin
    Original Author
    7 years ago

    @SortMySpace - Electrical spaghetti, that is exactly what it is! I didn't tackle it this time, but instead went through a few desk drawers that are also filled with junk. How is it possible to accumulate so much stuff (including hotel key cards)!? The cable cupboard is up next...

  • Anna Poulter
    6 years ago

    @sortmyspace OK. Deep Breath. Here is the cupboard of shame... As you can see the top shelve where the boiler is is OK. It has some boxes etc. But nothing too bad. The bottom part is the nightmare. Boxes of tiles, paint, shoes etc.

  • PRO
    Concetta Fordham
    6 years ago

    Dear Ann, nothing to be ashamed of. We've all been there, and time and motivation are culprits....;)

    The space below is tallish and narrow to slip into two parts: bottom for shoes kept into pairs in cubic or cylindric storage, to avoid re-making a pile and not knowing what you have! The top part could be used to store the rest of the things you need to keep. You can have a shelf cut to size like the one above to put on top of the shoe rack, to have a sturdier surface. Would it work for you?

    Final tip, be strict when decluttering before you start organizing this space.

    Let us keep up to date with your project. Conchi x

  • PRO
    Concetta Fordham
    6 years ago

    Hi Gerry, how are you getting on with your decorating idea?

  • Anna Poulter
    6 years ago
    last modified: 6 years ago

    @conchithehomecoach Thanks for the advice. I have tidied it up after that shameful picture and because I have a boiler service this week but I like your idea. I think that we could add a shelf below the existing one that could be used for the tiles etc. Then perhaps add another shelf or shoe rack to sort the rest. I think that I can do the shelf like the existing one- photographed here. Thank you for the tip. I will let you know how I get on.

  • Gerry Rust
    6 years ago

    Hi conchi the home coach, no shortage of ideas but time is another matter altogether! I have a business selling 'reinvented' furniture and home accessories in a local shop, having had quite a slow start to the year, people have gone crazy and are barely letting us unload the van before buying! Good problems, but problems none the less as we have to source the furniture and then do the necessary 'reinvention' before we can replace anything. We have our own version of the cupboard of doom which is our container where we store items waiting to be worked on (amongst other things!), not only is it badly in need of reorganising but we are down to the 'deplorable' items that have been languishing in there for months because we don't want to work on them :D The biggest joke is that I've been meaning to revamp my lounge furniture as part of the plan (such as it is) but can't get round to it - talk about the 'cobblers children never have any shoes'!

  • PRO
    Concetta Fordham
    6 years ago

    How interesting! I am an upcycler myself and do small furniture reinvention when I can. I'd love to see your shop Do you have a web site? Facebook page? Anyhow, it is very true about the cobbler's saying. Good luck with business and home x

  • PRO
    Concetta Fordham
    6 years ago

    Ann, looking forward to your new pictures. Happy sorting!

  • Gerry Rust
    6 years ago

    Yes I have both! The website is www.antiquechic.co.uk and the Facebook page is Antiquechic Buckingham Thanks x

  • PRO
    6 years ago

    OMG - love your shop Gerry Rust !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Gerry Rust
    6 years ago

    Thank you so much! A lot of credit goes to my photographer, who spends a great deal of time and effort trying to take the best possible pictures of the furniture - Georgian buildings don't always lend themselves to photo shoots..... :D

  • Becky Johnston
    6 years ago

    I'm ashamed to say, my doors have not had their bottoms shaved off which was the idea over Easter. Being that they have to be done in the garden, when having the time, weather been windy or raining. I didn't want to get fine shavings blown into my eyes. But this job is on my list and will definitely be done next month. Thank you for asking SortMySpace Ltd

  • PRO
    Concetta Fordham
    6 years ago

    Hi Gerry, nice to hear from you....and finally your amazing business. I'd live in your shop. AMAZING !! I can see now how little time, but loads of creativity is going around your home life. Bravo!

  • Gerry Rust
    6 years ago

    Thank you! Move in any time, as long as you don't mind selling a few bits of furniture while you're there :D You'll be pleased to hear we have started tackling the workshop and, two days of solid reorganisation later, I am exhausted but it's looking better. I'm sure with your skills it would have been done rather more efficiently/quickly but the rain hasn't helped - every time we moved things outside to give ourselves some space, it would start again and we'd be dragging it all back in! On the plus side it helped persuade me to part with some of the damper items ;)

  • PRO
    SortMySpace Ltd
    6 years ago
    Beautiful pieces Gerry and wonderful photography too! Will have to stop by if I'm ever passing (and say hi to Conchita who's planning to move in! Hehe!)
    Here's wishing some finer weather for you Becky, it has been rather hit & miss lately.... Well that's my excuse for not hiring a pressure washer for my back patio yet (& yes, rest assured, even professional organisers have stuff outstanding on their to-do lists too!) ;)
  • Gerry Rust
    6 years ago

    Thank you! It's lovely to get so much positive feedback, you are all very welcome - I may have to upcycle more chairs though...Good to hear that you also have to-do lists that don't get done! If my recent experiences are anything to go by, you are probably so exhausted after sorting out your client's difficulties you need to lie in a darkened room when you get home :D

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