House of Manuela Landscape Design
House of Manuela Landscape Design
Average rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars8 ReviewsView Profile

New England Style Cottage Garden

We had a ball with this project. How often do you find New England style architecture in the heart of a country town in N.S.W? Our client has just purchased the somewhat delapitated property and felt overwhelmed by the size of the project. That's when we were called in to offer assistance. Clearly, the entire design is about romance and an idyllic country cottage garden design. Flowering shrubs, perennials and roses in abundant supply. To compliment the architecture we opted for the elegant forms of Junipers, Thuja and Chamaecyparis. Shrubs include - Abelia, Camellia, Escalloania, Viburnum, Pittosporum, Daphne, Loropetalum, Choisya, Spirea and Buddleja. Perennials include - Campaunla, Cerastium, Echinacea, Iberis, Stachys, Nepeta and Salvia. Many happy hours over cups of tea will be spent in this garden.
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