KSI Kitchen & Bath
KSI Kitchen & Bath
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars34 ReviewsView Profile

Rustic Industrial Kitchen

Grey shaker cabinets by Dura Supreme and the pipe shelving to hang clothes give this space a rustic, industrial feel. Plenty of room for laundry with tilt out hampers, counter space for folding and drying rack. Photography by Beth Singer.

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What Houzz contributors are saying
Niki Bruce added this to Best of the Week: 32 Kitchen-Laundry Combos That Make Life Easier25 September 2018

19. Location: Detroit, USAFeatures: Handy hanging space tucked into an empty spot in the kitchen.

What Houzzers are commenting on
Lorraine Stuart added this to Mud Roomyesterday

Dog crate under the counter

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