Interior Art
Interior Art
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars47 ReviewsView Profile

Wall Glazing; Faux Finishes

Hallway to Master Bedroom Suite Las Vegas, NV Wall Glazing can be quite nice and subtle, even in rich tones. My clients wanted something richer than basic wall color. I tend to prefer the very subtle movement in this suede-like finish verses faux finishes that are off the charts busy, veiny or just over-done. Please visit our project files for more views into what can be done in the backdrops of fine design with special finishes, faux painting, wall glazing, trompe l'oeil artwork, gilding, venetian plasters and so much more. Conscious design - visit Jackie Coburn's Interior Art for our award-winning artistic creations. We hope to inspire you through conscious design! Interior Designer, None
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