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About Us

Interior design for me is about creating happiness. After studying interior design in National Design Academy UK and taking classes from New York School of Interior Design, I decided to build my own company Inline Interiors, wishing to find the best solutions for my clients. Born and raised in Istanbul, I lived in Brussels, Prague and am now located in Singapore. Combined with my own ethnic background, being exposed to different cultures has a huge role in shaping the designer I am today.

Services Provided

3D Rendering, Accessible Design, Bedroom Design, Colour Consulting, Dining Room Design, Festive & Holiday Decorating, Floor Plans, Furniture Selection, Hallway Design, Home Office Design, Interior Design, Kids Bedroom Design, Living Room Design, Nursery Design, Playroom Design, Space Planning, Inteiror Makeover, Furniture shopping, interior consultings

Areas Served

Singapore, Australia, Europe


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Business Details

Business Name

Inline Interior Design

Phone Number

8909 0567




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