Tan Hai Han

Tan Hai Han

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About Us

Singapore-born han grew up in Kuching, Sarawak, where a disparate pace of life attuned him to things neglected and forgotten. With a core interest in recording cultures in transit, his current research focuses on the history, culture and influence of coffeeshops (kopitiams) in Malaysia and Singapore. In addition, he runs an experimental cafe project he titles "hanpresso," where he introduces manners of appreciating both regional and Western-style coffees to visited friends or strangers alike. Since 2003, han has also been actively collaborating with artists, architects, designers, filmmakers and magazines in the archival of their projects.

Services Provided

Aerial Photography, Architectural Photography, Interior Photography, Real Estate Photography

Areas Served

Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Shanghai


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Business Details

Business Name

Tan Hai Han

Phone Number

9777 0822



Typical Job Cost

7.5 million -


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