
People love Houzz

Good things happen when professionals and homeowners come together on the world's largest home design community. Hear directly from our users why they love Houzz.
I absolutely love looking through all the photos and creating ideabooks with my favourite images. I'm also happy that I can contribute back to the Houzz community and provide inspiration to others by uploading my own projects that showcase what Interior Design Journey has worked on. When I see a Houzz user has put an IDJ image into their ideabooks, that makes me smile. I've already had a number of business enquiries, including my first project from a Houzz lead: The Waterford Condominium!
Interior Designers & Decorators
Singapore, Central Singapore, SG
Houzz has allowed me to reach out to my audience quickly and easily. Updating my profile with new projects is fuss free, and I can collaborate on ideabooks with clients to brainstorm. As an interior designer, the site complements my existing marketing initiatives by helping me garner leads and prospects, while existing and previous clients can leave a review on my page as a reference. I've had multiple enquiries from the site which eventuated into projects — it has been a really useful tool to grow my business.
Interior Designers & Decorators
Singapore, SG
Houzz has been a game changer for Arete Culture since our inception and we have been able to connect to more people than ever before. Between the ease of use, the engagement that it creates between us and our clients, and the constant improvement of the website and app, Houzz has proven to be a necessary business tool for Arete Culture and something we absolutely love using! We can’t stop raving about how amazing the platform is, but it really speaks for itself — we have received a lot of enquiries that have translated into confirmed projects!
Interior Designers & Decorators
Singapore, Central Singapore, SG
At Design Intervention we find Houzz an invaluable tool for our business. Many of our clients come to us with ideabooks full of inspiration. Often terms like 'contemporary', 'modern' and 'cosy' can mean different things to different people, but images are foolproof! These personal ideabooks provide us with far more valuable insight into their personal style than a mere description. If a client isn't already on Houzz, we urge them to start an account so both designer and client can share access and work together to determine a style that works.
Interior Designers & Decorators
Singapore, Central Singapore, SG
We've only been on Houzz a short time, but so far it it has been a tremendous tool in helping connect us with the right clientele base. The platform is user friendly and has enabled us to work better with our clients. We now have a greater online presence, which, in turn, has brought about a larger pool of enquiries. Looking forward to continuing to use Houzz!
Interior Designers & Decorators
Singapore, SG
We absolutely love Houzz. It has a very user friendly interface, and I especially love the fact that we can interact with potential clients and customers who show interest in our products. It's so easy to create update our profile and upload projects with no additional cost to my marketing budget!
Furniture & Accessories
Singapore, SG
Houzz is versatile, targeted and full of different features. It is the only source of inspiration needed for homeowners, and an incredible marketing tool for professionals. With the attentive and tailored services provided by the Houzz team in setting up a profile and showing you around the site, you really can't go wrong with Houzz.
Kitchen & Bath Fixtures
Singapore, SG
I am quite impressed with the community, the support rendered and the extensive range of topics covered. I’m really excited that there will be more local content, and I'm sure Houzz will play a big part for home professionals in Singapore.
Singapore, SG
"I didn't know about all the information that was on Houzz - so I was pleasantly surprised when I could sort by city, find and hire an architect!"
Catherine K.
"Houzz assisted me by helping me decide what designer to use. What better way to recognize the designer that you would like to choose other than seeing their portfolio?"
Ray K.
"My idea book probably has 300 or 400 photos, I’m on there every day. It’s ridiculous. I was able to pick out why I liked certain layouts. For instance, I liked when the fridge was off to the side, not the focal point."
Cynthia O.
"Houzz was a great resource in finding designers that fit our style. We wouldn't have found Danenberg Design if not for Houzz and we are thankful for that."
Jagdeesh and Deepti
"Houzz was the biggest factor in finding Kerrie Kelly. It made it so easy first to find Sacramento decorators, to quickly review who made the effort to showcase their talent, and finally to see who fit my style."
Lisa B.
"I searched for ‘row house’ on Houzz to collect photos for my Ideabooks and found Ben Herzog’s work. I learned from Houzz that Ben loves to design row houses, is located in Brooklyn and that I love his work."
Nell D.
"The time flies while flipping through Houzz! We're building a new home and Houzz is making decisions and communication with everyone so much easier when I have a great picture to show."
Meredith H.
"So useful during a major renovation!! beats buying hundreds of magazines like I had to when I built my home in the 90's..."
Lori C.
"Every night I look forward to climbing in bed and just relaxing with my iPad and checking out Houzz! Helps me have sweet dreams."
Leticia M.
"I wanted to do barn-style sliding doors in two places in my house, the Houzz iPad app helped me 'show' my husband the concept! :-)"
Brooke M.