GB General Contractors
GB General Contractors
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars60 ReviewsView Profile

Addition Garage Extension, Gym, Bath, Sauna Room, Storage, Outdoor Kitchen

Roughly 1,750 SF Addition (Garage Extension, Gym, Bath, Sauna Room, Storage and Outdoor Kitchen) Match Existing Brick Acme Frostwood; Roof CertainTeed Landmark; Gutters 6” with 3X4 downspouts Garage Extension 24’X19’ Match Elevation Existing Residence Gym: 24’X14’ Door Avante Clear Glass Garage Door with Smart Opener Matte Black Full Glass French Door with blind in Glass Hardware Lever Finish Matte Black Mini Split Outdoor Shower Stainless Bath: 5’X6’ Premade Vanity / Sink White Composite Stone 48”X20”X34” Matte Black Finish VIGO VG0143MB Davidson Single Lever Faucet Matte Black Sauna Room 5’X6’ Storage 5’X14’ Outdoor Kitchen: 30’X19’ V Groove Cathedral Ceiling Cinder Block & Stucco Base with Stainless Steel Doors & Drawers 3cm Granite Black Pearl Antique Top. Blanco Formera 14” X 16” Stainless prep Sink Delta Antoni Stainless Single hole / lever pull down faucet Gas Gill GYM, BATHROOM WALL PPG MOPAKO INTERIOR FLAT SHARK PPG1006-2 CEILING PPG MOPAKO INTERIOR FLAT SHARK PPG1006-2 ALL INTERIOR TRIM DOOR TRIM, BASEBOARDS, INTERIOR DOORS PPG SPEEDHIDE INTERIOR LATEX SEMI-GLOSS DELICATE WHITE PPG1001-1 GARAGE & STORAGE ROOM PPG MOPAKO FLAT WHITE 66-110
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