Crown Point Cabinetry
Crown Point Cabinetry
Average rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars11 ReviewsView Profile

Barn Home

This spectacular barn home features custom cabinetry in the kitchen, office, four bathrooms including the master and the laundry room. Design details include glass doors, finished ends, finished interiors, furniture ends, knee brackets, wainscotings, pegged doors and drawer fronts, Arts & Crafts moulding and brackets, designer clipped stiles, mission plank interior backs, solid wood tops, valances, towel bars and more! Kitchen Wood: Knotty Cherry & Maple Finish: Candlelight Stain, Natural & Barn Red over Pitch Black Milk Paint, Burnished. Doors: Craftsman with pegs Photo Credit: Crown Point Cabinetry

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Helene Perreault added this to Mes idées22 September 2022


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