
Pls help, mosaic doesn't match with wall tiles, how can I salvage this

10 years ago
I've chose the wrong colour combination to match my mosaic bathtub cove.

Pls refer to pics, mosaics are shimmery greyish blue in real life.

The rectangular cream tiles are less cream/beige in real life. The pic of the single cream tile is more true in color actually.

I refer don't like the cream+grey combination but it's too late to make changes now.

How can I salvage it? I paid quite a fair bit for the mosaic wall and pretty upset over this.

I have chose
iMasonary(attached pic) as my vanity top. Do you think it matches ?

Should I use Zenith Elegance or Just Oak for my vanity cabinet?

P/s: can't seem to post more than 4 pics. Will post pics below in a separate post.

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