5,844 Industrial Home Office Design Photos
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Custom home designed with inspiration from the owner living in New Orleans. Study was design to be masculine with blue painted built in cabinetry, brick fireplace surround and wall. Custom built desk with stainless counter top, iron supports and and reclaimed wood. Bench is cowhide and stainless. Industrial lighting.
Jessie Young - www.realestatephotographerseattle.com

Custom Quonset Huts become artist live/work spaces, aesthetically and functionally bridging a border between industrial and residential zoning in a historic neighborhood. The open space on the main floor is designed to be flexible for artists to pursue their creative path.
The two-story buildings were custom-engineered to achieve the height required for the second floor. End walls utilized a combination of traditional stick framing with autoclaved aerated concrete with a stucco finish. Steel doors were custom-built in-house.

Organized Efficient Spaces for the Inner City Dwellers. 1 of 5 Floor Plans featured in the Nouveau Bungalow Line by Steven Allen Designs, LLC located in the out skirts of Garden Oaks. Features Nouveau Style Front Yard enclosed by a 8-10' fence + Sprawling Deck + 4 Panel Multi-Slide Glass Patio Doors + Designer Finishes & Fixtures + Quatz & Stainless Countertops & Backsplashes + Polished Concrete Floors + Textures Siding + Laquer Finished Interior Doors + Stainless Steel Appliances + Muli-Textured Walls & Ceilings to include Painted Shiplap, Stucco & Sheetrock + Soft Close Cabinet + Toe Kick Drawers + Custom Furniture & Decor by Steven Allen Designs, LLC.
***Check out https://www.nouveaubungalow.com for more details***
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This rustic space was needed and became a transformed office for an apartment building manager.

Check out how architect Duncan MacDougall has used Swisspearl B5 corrugated roof sheets in Blue/Black to clad the facade of his new home office. Duncan completed the look with Swisspearl Barge boards in black.
Photo credit: Duncan MacDougall RIBA, of MacDougall Architecture Ltd.
If you'd like to achieve the same look, why not email mel.bentley@swisspearl.net ?
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ご主人の書斎はベランダからしか入れない完全プライベートな空間。外から見ると円筒のようなフォルムで、まさに「離れ」のよう。雨の日は傘をさして向かいますが、この面倒さがまたいいんです♪ 男前なブルックリンテイストの壁はタイル、グレーの無垢の床は納得オリジナルの「FREDDY」。2畳の隠れ家で、大好きなマンガの世界にどっぷり浸るのが至福のひとときだそうです。

Comfortable home office with built-in library and desk/credenza. Cozy reading seating area.

This California art and exercise studio located near the Pacific Ocean incorporates Quantum’s custom wood Signature Series windows and Lift & Slide doors. The architect called for Clear Vertical Grain (CVG) Douglas Fir throughout the project with Ironwood Sills used on the Lift & Slide doors.
Sequential angled windows with sandblasted, or obscure, glass allow for natural lighting to enter indoors, yet add ventilation, security, and privacy for its inhabitants. Steel reinforced mullions satisfy the need for structural integrity.
Inside the studio are found interior hanging panels with sandblasted glass sliding along an overhead track system. These panels allow for the building’s interior to be partitioned off into two distinct spaces.
Leading to the exterior are bypass pocketing Lift & Slide doors complete with screens. To further enhance security no flush pulls were installed on the exterior of the door panels.

Built into the hillside, this industrial ranch sprawls across the site, taking advantage of views of the landscape. A metal structure ties together multiple ranch buildings with a modern, sleek interior that serves as a gallery for the owners collected works of art. A welcoming, airy bridge is located at the main entrance, and spans a unique water feature flowing beneath into a private trout pond below, where the owner can fly fish directly from the man-cave!
5,844 Industrial Home Office Design Photos