Kitchen & Bathroom Fixture Retailers in Singapore.

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Featured Reviews for Kitchen & Bathroom Fixture Retailers in Singapore.

Bath Editions
Kitchen & Bathroom Fixture Retailers in Singapore.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars13 May 2016
“Good customer service and products . Price range is reasonable too , will definitely look for bath edition again for my future house”
Kitchen & Bathroom Fixture Retailers in Singapore.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars10 October 2018
“A very stylish and versatile product, Alusplash aluminium backsplash is one of our focus and popular products. With their partnership and support, we received many interested homeowners who decide to try out this material as compared to the usual glass or acrylic backsplash. Especially, the Arctic white and Space silver are the hot selling colours as the light toned panels brighten the kitchen and give a clean look for the kitchen, bathroom or even vanity areas! Lastly, what's best that it is eco-friendly! In our showroom at Kaki Bukit, we have 2 kitchens installed with Alusplash panels and they are all well-received.”
Blum SEA
Kitchen & Bathroom Fixture Retailers in Singapore.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars23 February 2016
“A very efficient product, Blum is one of our prominent partnership at Carpenters Design Group. We would recommend their product as a part of every household must haves.”
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