2,057 Industrial Courtyard Design Photos

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Birmingham street Alexandria
Birmingham street Alexandria
the brief was to create a multipurpose outdoor space for employees and clients which could be used for recreational or business purposes. we wanted to keep the original features of the Art Deco hanger at the same time softening the area with timber and greenery.
Apartment Renovation of outdoor living space
Apartment Renovation of outdoor living space
Alyssa and Lysandra utilised "Star Anais' Outdeco Garden screen and Vertiscape Vertical Garden to transform the outdoor living space in their terrace on The Block.
Helét van BlerkHelét van Blerk
Man cave entertainment space with bathroom and small kitchenette.
Delz Warehouse
Delz Warehouse
CONTENT ArchitectureCONTENT Architecture
This project encompasses the renovation of two aging metal warehouses located on an acre just North of the 610 loop. The larger warehouse, previously an auto body shop, measures 6000 square feet and will contain a residence, art studio, and garage. A light well puncturing the middle of the main residence brightens the core of the deep building. The over-sized roof opening washes light down three masonry walls that define the light well and divide the public and private realms of the residence. The interior of the light well is conceived as a serene place of reflection while providing ample natural light into the Master Bedroom. Large windows infill the previous garage door openings and are shaded by a generous steel canopy as well as a new evergreen tree court to the west. Adjacent, a 1200 sf building is reconfigured for a guest or visiting artist residence and studio with a shared outdoor patio for entertaining. Photo by Peter Molick, Art by Karin Broker
Project | Cove House
Project | Cove House
Eco Outdoor USAEco Outdoor USA
Architecture: Justin Humphrey Architect Photography: Andy Macpherson
Modern Industrial-Style Lincoln Park Home
Modern Industrial-Style Lincoln Park Home
StableRocket, Inc.StableRocket, Inc.
The firepit is filled with stones, which are also used to accent and add interest to the concrete slab flooring. The metal and painted steel awning provide shade, and the large garage-style door rolls up to offer indoor-outdoor entertainment space.
Gib - San Pools Ltd.
Gib - San Pools Ltd.
Gib-San Pools Ltd. Toronto
modern industrial live work compound
modern industrial live work compound
building Lab, inc.building Lab, inc.
shoup family relax on the patio. note custom fabricated sliding door opens to connect kitchen with the deck. photo by aya brackett.

2,057 Industrial Courtyard Design Photos

Loft mit begrüntem Patio und grauen Premium Dielen als Outdoor-Bodenbelag
Loft mit begrüntem Patio und grauen Premium Dielen als Outdoor-Bodenbelag
Patio in modernem Loft. Weiße Eiche im Innenbereich, im Außenbereich des Patio graue WPC Dielen von MYDECK. Die Dielen sind wetterfest, splitterfrei und einfach in der Pflege. Das Design der Außendiele ist vielfach prämiert. Der Patio des Lofts sorgt für eine natürliche Beleuchtung der angrenzenden Räume. Die schwarzen Sprossenfenster aus Stahl unterstützen den Industrielook. Das Loft selbst hat keine abgehängte Decke, sondern die Holzdecke ist für noch mehr Raumhöhe weiß lasiert.
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