24,632 Country Staircase Design Photos

library and reading area build into and under stairway.
Modern European Residence
Modern European Residence
Deep River PartnersDeep River Partners
There is an intentional elegance to the entry experience of the foyer, keeping it clean and modern, yet welcoming. Dark elements of contrast are brought in through the front door, natural slate floors, sconces, balusters and window sashes. The staircase is a transitional expression through the continuity of the closed stringer and gentle curving handrail that becomes the newel post. The curve of the bottom treads opens up the stair in a welcoming way. An expansive window on the stair landing overlooks the front entry. The 16’ tall window is softened with trimmed drapery and sconces march up the stair to provide a human scale element. The roof line of the exterior brings the ceiling down above the door to create a more intimate entry in a two-story space.
Best of Houzz 2025: The results are in!
Mountain Modern Home
Mountain Modern Home
Laura Medicus InteriorsLaura Medicus Interiors
This home was a joy to work on! Check back for more information and a blog on the project soon. Photographs by Jordan Katz Interior Styling by Kristy Oatman
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Canyon Oak
Canyon Oak
JWT AssociatesJWT Associates
Lee Manning Photography

24,632 Country Staircase Design Photos

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