2,025 Mediterranean Car Porch and Shed Design Photos

Spanish Style Shed design by Jeff Doubet Santa Barbara Home Design
Spanish Style Shed design by Jeff Doubet Santa Barbara Home Design
Santa Barbara Home DesignSanta Barbara Home Design
Learn how this Spanish shed was built via photos shared by Designer Jeff Doubét in his book: Creating Spanish Style Homes: Before & After – Techniques – Designs – Insights. This Jeff Doubét Spanish style shed was part of a larger commission to design the main house aesthetic upgrades, as well as the Spanish Mediterranean gardens and landscape. The entire project is featured with informative, time-lapse photography showing how the Spanish shed was designed and constructed. To purchase, or learn more… please visit SantaBarbaraHomeDesigner.com Jeff’s book can also be considered as your direct resource for quality design info, created by a professional home designer who specializes in Spanish style home and landscape designs. The 240 page “Design Consultation in a Book” is packed with over 1,000 images that include 200+ designs, as well as inspiring behind the scenes photos of what goes into building a quality Spanish home and landscape. Many use the book as inspiration while meeting with their architect, designer and general contractor. Jeff Doubét is the Founder of Santa Barbara Home Design - a design studio based in Santa Barbara, California USA. His website is www.SantaBarbaraHomeDesigner.com
Traditional Panel Style Doors
Traditional Panel Style Doors
The Door House Inc.The Door House Inc.
Premium Series insulated steel garage doors.
Best of Houzz 2025: The results are in!
Custom car lift in California garage
Custom car lift in California garage
McKinley Elevator CorporationMcKinley Elevator Corporation
Custom residential subterranean parking lift in Newport, CA. The lifts allow the homeowner to store up to 4 cars below (subterranean) and two more on top of the canopy in this configuration.
Solar Electric Carport
Solar Electric Carport
George Psaledakis ArchitectGeorge Psaledakis Architect
Client wanted to become more self sufficient and less reliant on oil companies for transportation. A solar electric carport canopy was designed to provide a power alternative to charge their electric BMW I3 vehicle while providing shade for it as well. Charging the vehicle is done by a Clipper Creek 60 amp charging station. Solar panels are American made; Solarworld and each panel utilizes a micro inverter by Enphase.
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Outdoor Lighting
Outdoor Lighting
System PaversSystem Pavers
System Pavers offers fully integrated outdoor lighting systems that help showcase the beauty of your home and provide the secondary benefits of safety features while extending the hours of use of your outdoor living space. Our landscape lighting design experts will help you capture and enhance your home's nighttime curb appeal. Creating the perfect mood lighting for entertaining outdoors whether you're taking an evening swim in the pool, having a BBQ dinner on the patio, or just sitting on the balcony enjoying the outdoors is part of the process of design. We will look at all of your needs and help plan an outdoor living space that not only fits within your lifestyle, but your budget too, all while providing you with the most beautiful and functional outdoor LED lighting arrangement possible for your home.
La Jolla Genuine Mahogany Garage Doors
La Jolla Genuine Mahogany Garage Doors
Automatic Door SpecialistsAutomatic Door Specialists
These Genuine Mahogany Garage Doors were custom built to the customer's exact specifications. The transoms were also finished in the same Genuine Mahogany and design to create the desired look.
Mediterranean Carriage House Style Garage Doors That Swing Open for Pedestrians!
Mediterranean Carriage House Style Garage Doors That Swing Open for Pedestrians!
Dynamic Garage DoorDynamic Garage Door
Keep the look of luxury while adding convenience to your garage door entry way. Dynamic Garage Door designs, crafts and installs astounding carriage house door conversions in Orange County and Los Angeles while shipping out of state and abroad. Don't settle for ordinary "seemingly custom" doors that come out of a standard brochure. Dynamic Garage Door will design your door to proportion, personal taste and architectural authenticity for practically the same price! We are the pioneers of true customization that other companies claim but can't deliver. Our carriage house style door conversions are highly acclaimed, respected and sought after by designers, custom home builders and discerning homeowners that want much more than just an ordinary carriage house door conversion they would otherwise pick up at Home Depot, Costco or a local reseller. Call us today and consult with the source! We will design, craft, install or ship your carriage house garage doors to your specifications.
La Jolla, CA. Custom Home
La Jolla, CA. Custom Home
Salmans + Associates, San Diego,Salt Lake CitySalmans + Associates, San Diego,Salt Lake City
Four car garage with basketball court. Bedrooms over the garage.
Spanish Style Shed design by Jeff Doubet Santa Barbara Home Design
Spanish Style Shed design by Jeff Doubet Santa Barbara Home Design
Santa Barbara Home DesignSanta Barbara Home Design
Learn how this Spanish shed was built via photos shared by Designer Jeff Doubét in his book: Creating Spanish Style Homes: Before & After – Techniques – Designs – Insights. This Jeff Doubét Spanish style shed was part of a larger commission to design the main house aesthetic upgrades, as well as the Spanish Mediterranean gardens and landscape. The entire project is featured with informative, time-lapse photography showing how the Spanish shed was designed and constructed. To purchase, or learn more… please visit SantaBarbaraHomeDesigner.com Jeff’s book can also be considered as your direct resource for quality design info, created by a professional home designer who specializes in Spanish style home and landscape designs. The 240 page “Design Consultation in a Book” is packed with over 1,000 images that include 200+ designs, as well as inspiring behind the scenes photos of what goes into building a quality Spanish home and landscape. Many use the book as inspiration while meeting with their architect, designer and general contractor. Jeff Doubét is the Founder of Santa Barbara Home Design - a design studio based in Santa Barbara, California USA. His website is www.SantaBarbaraHomeDesigner.com
Taconic Rd, CT
Taconic Rd, CT
Dream Garage USADream Garage USA
7 Custom Wood Carriage style Garage Doors

2,025 Mediterranean Car Porch and Shed Design Photos

Cowart Door - Custom Wood Garage Doors
Cowart Door - Custom Wood Garage Doors
Cowart Door SystemsCowart Door Systems
Our Blanco design (here using Spanish cedar and finished using Sikkens Cetol) morphs comfortably between contemporary to modern and traditional architectural style homes.
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