6,749 Retro Garden Design Photos

Los Gatos Garden
Los Gatos Garden
studio M MERGEstudio M MERGE
This mid century modern California garden has both a hot tub and cold plunge adjacent to a swimming pool. The adjacent garden path has walkable ground cover in between and is bordered by succulents and grasses. A soft no mow lawn is situated below the existing mature paper birch tree. All exterior improvements, walls, hardscape, pools, plants, lighting, by studio M MERGE. Home design/renovation by Klopf Architecture.
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Mid Century Modern Gem
Mid Century Modern Gem
Urban Oasis Landscape DesignUrban Oasis Landscape Design
A bubbling boulder water feature murmurs soothing sounds. Where once this was an inhospitable desert, the garden now it has a multitude of tranquil destinations to enjoy, serenaded by the calls of birds that have made their home there.
Mid-Century Renovation
Mid-Century Renovation
CORE LandscapeCORE Landscape
Corten steel and gravel walkway behind fireplace to access play area and back of house.
Mid-Century with Meadow
Mid-Century with Meadow
FormLA LandscapingFormLA Landscaping
A vibrant meadow filled with California native foliage provides a beautiful view from the home.
Bridlemile Slope
Bridlemile Slope
Shannon Keaveny Landscape Design, LLCShannon Keaveny Landscape Design, LLC
Shannon Keaveny Finishing up a southern slope facelift, with drought-tolerant plants and a new stone wall. Designed by Shannon Keaveny Landscape Design. Blessing Landscapes installed the stone wall for us.
Mid-Century Front Landscape - Racine
Mid-Century Front Landscape - Racine
Ginkgo Leaf StudioGinkgo Leaf Studio
View of the new entrance to the historical John Randal McDonald designed home. We were retained for the landscape design partially because of our background in architecture and our understanding of the mid-century aesthetic. Renn Kuhnen Photography
Telgenhoff Residence
Telgenhoff Residence
CLT Design/Build Inc.CLT Design/Build Inc.
The Telgenhoff Residence uses a complex blend of material, texture and color to create a architectural design that reflects the Northwest Lifestyle. This project was completely designed and constructed by Craig L. Telgenhoff.
Chicago Northern Suburbs Contemporary Ranch
Chicago Northern Suburbs Contemporary Ranch
Reveal Design LLCReveal Design LLC
This front yard had to also act as a clients back yard. The existing back yard is a ravine, so there is little room to functionally use it. This created a design element to create a sense of space/privacy while also allowing the Mid Century Modern Architecture to shine through. (and keep the feel of a front yard) We used concrete walls to break up the rooms, and guide people into the front entrance. We added IPE details on the wall and planters to soften the concrete, and Ore Inc aluminum containers with a rust finish to frame the entrance. The Aspen trees break the horizontal plane and are lit up at night, further defining the front yard. All the trees are on color lights and have the ability to change at the click of a button for both holidays, and seasonal accents. The slate chip beds keep the bed lines clean and clearly define the planting ares versus the lawn areas. The walkway is one monolithic pour that mimics the look of large scale pavers, with the added function of smooth,set-in-place, concrete.
Laurelhurst Modern Garden
Laurelhurst Modern Garden
Northwest Native Landscapes LLCNorthwest Native Landscapes LLC
Dramatic plant textures, modern hardscaping and sharp angles enhanced this mid-century modern bungalow. Soft plants were chosen to contrast with the sharp angles of the pathways and hard edges of the MCM home, while providing all-season interest. Horizontal privacy screens wrap the front porch and create intimate garden spaces – some visible only from the street and some visible only from inside the home. The front yard is relatively small in size, but full of colorful texture.
Modern Remodel
Modern Remodel
TOPOS Architects, IncTOPOS Architects, Inc
We completely renovated a simple low-lying house for a university family by opening the back side with large windows and a wrap-around patio. The kitchen counter extends to the exterior, enhancing the sense of openness to the outside. Large overhanging soffits and horizontal cedar siding keep the house from overpowering the view and help it settle into the landscape. An expansive maple floor and white ceiling reinforce the horizontal sense of space. Phil Bond Photography
Dry Stream Bed and Paver Path in SW Portland, Oregon
Dry Stream Bed and Paver Path in SW Portland, Oregon
Drake's 7 Dees Landscaping & Garden CenterDrake's 7 Dees Landscaping & Garden Center
This backyard space used to effectively be half this size. In an earlier stage of the properties ownership... a large garden space was fenced in and lay fallow. Now, this large lawn is well used by a Boxer puppy and its owner. An architectural slab paver walkway connects the patio space and the hobby shed. Photography by: Joe Hollowell
Mid Century Modern front
Mid Century Modern front
Cool Designs for LandscapesCool Designs for Landscapes
Close up of Agave 'Blue Star' in white rock

6,749 Retro Garden Design Photos

Los Altos Mid Century Modern Home
Los Altos Mid Century Modern Home
Weaver Design GroupWeaver Design Group
David Trotter - 8TRACKstudios - www.8trackstudios.com
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