287 Retro Home Gym Design Photos

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Custom Basement Remodel with New Bathroom
Custom Basement Remodel with New Bathroom
4Ever Remodeling4Ever Remodeling
Custom Basement Remodel including new bathroom, wet bar, polished concrete, drywall, doors, trim, plumbing, hvac and electrical.
River Oaks Modern
River Oaks Modern
Laura U Design CollectiveLaura U Design Collective
The home gym at our River Oaks Modern project is a versatile space designed for both fitness and family fun. It features state-of-the-art equipment like a Tonal mirror and Peloton bike, alongside playful additions like monkey bars and a rock climbing wall for the grandkids. With a drop-down Murphy bed, the gym also serves as a shelter-in-place, offering both practicality and comfort when needed.

287 Retro Home Gym Design Photos

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