12,897 Industrial Bedroom Design Photos

Boy's "Teen Room"
Boy's "Teen Room"
Usable Space Interiors, LLCUsable Space Interiors, LLC
This teenage boy LOVES his dog, and requested a grouping (display) of his best friend. If you look closely you can even read the signage "all guest must be approved by the dog"..... This was his favorite piece of decor. USI's goal is not to only make beautiful spaces, but to make beautiful spaces that reflect each clients personality!
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3D Stone Wallpaper Maderno 2015
3D Stone Wallpaper Maderno 2015
Cosmos WallpaperCosmos Wallpaper
Maderno #9903-3 Size: 42 in. x 51 ft. =180 sq.ft (per bolt) wallcoverings are packaged and sold in a bolt
Milward TeveriniMilward Teverini
The brief for this project involved completely re configuring the space inside this industrial warehouse style apartment in Chiswick to form a one bedroomed/ two bathroomed space with an office mezzanine level. The client wanted a look that had a clean lined contemporary feel, but with warmth, texture and industrial styling. The space features a colour palette of dark grey, white and neutral tones with a bespoke kitchen designed by us, and also a bespoke mural on the master bedroom wall.
Marine Loft
Marine Loft
SUBU Design ArchitectureSUBU Design Architecture
Custom reclaimed log bed with bent blackened steel side tables. Photography by Manolo Langis Located steps away from the beach, the client engaged us to transform a blank industrial loft space to a warm inviting space that pays respect to its industrial heritage. We use anchored large open space with a sixteen foot conversation island that was constructed out of reclaimed logs and plumbing pipes. The island itself is divided up into areas for eating, drinking, and reading. Bringing this theme into the bedroom, the bed was constructed out of 12x12 reclaimed logs anchored by two bent steel plates for side tables.
My Houzz: A Garage transformed into a boy's dream pad
My Houzz: A Garage transformed into a boy's dream pad
Louise de MirandaLouise de Miranda
Photo: Louise de Miranda © 2014 Houzz Design: Bricks Amsterdam
Boston Loft
Boston Loft
studiohw | Heather Weissstudiohw | Heather Weiss
loft bedroom with custom cabinetry © Heather Weiss, Architect cabinetry built by KJS Custom Works
FORMA Design
FORMA Design
FORMA DesignFORMA Design
The master bedroom suite on the upper level was opened up to a large sleeping area and a study area beyond, both opening onto the atrium that floods the area with light. Daytime and night-time blackout shades are electronically operated to turn the whole area dark for sleeping. Featured in Houzz Idea Book: http://tinyurl.com/cd9pkrd
80 sqm loft-style apartment with two workplaces in Moscow
80 sqm loft-style apartment with two workplaces in Moscow
Alexander TischlerAlexander Tischler
We organized two workplaces in the bedroom; the first is located at the entrance. There is a hanging table with drawers and cabinets for storing documents and clothes. The second workplace is located at the corner window overlooking the city. Next to the table, there are open shelves and a showcase for the client’s memorabilia. We design interiors of homes and apartments worldwide. If you need well-thought and aesthetical interior, submit a request on the website.
Totaste.studio | Виктор ШтефанTotaste.studio | Виктор Штефан
Благодаря светопрозрачной конструкции можно отделять зону спальни от гостиной
Garage Terrace House
Garage Terrace House
Yoshi ArchitectsYoshi Architects
主寝室から坪庭を見る。 LDKと主寝室はウォークインクローゼットで区切られているがウォークインクローゼット上部のロフトレベルでは天井が繋がっているので空間に広がりを感じる。ロフトのカーテンはエアコン効率のため。
Premier achat fonctionnel - Projet Solférino
Premier achat fonctionnel - Projet Solférino
Mon Concept HabitationMon Concept Habitation
Notre client, primo-accédant, a fait l'acquisition d'un studio de 25m2. L'appartement était neuf mais nécessitait quelques adaptations pour ne perdre aucun espace. ⁠ ⁠ Avant, une porte classique et un mur séparait la chambre de la pièce de vie. Nous avons tout supprimé afin de créer cette verrière noire en double vitrage sur mesure. Les montants en acier thermolaqués font échos aux plafonniers et au ventilateur.⁠ ⁠ Dans la chambre, plusieurs menuiseries ont été créées par nos experts. Que ce soit la tête de lit avec ses rangements et son éclairage intégré, ou encore le dressing-buanderie qui renferme la machine à laver et le linge de notre client. ⁠ ⁠ Dans la pièce de vie, nos équipes ont conçu un magnifique bureau sur mesure par nos équipes à l'aide de caissons @ikeafrance .⁠ ⁠ Toutes nos menuiseries ont été habillées par la peinture Down Pipe de @farrowandball. Un gris plomb fabuleux contenant des tons sous-jacents de bleu. Idéal pour donner de la profondeur et de la complexité à l'espace.⁠
Modern Bedroom with industrial touch by the architecture design of the house.

12,897 Industrial Bedroom Design Photos

Rachele Biancalani StudioRachele Biancalani Studio
Il pilastro a vista in cemento armato è stato affiancato da una strip led che si erge da pavimento a soffitto. La testata del letto padronale è stata realizzata con assi di recupero in legno di rovere. I comodini sopsesi sono in corten. Un bellissimo armadio di ampiezza considerevole realizzato su progetto, con quattro ante scorrevoli in lamiera forata di ferro grezzo. Pavimento in resina autolivellante ultratop mapei Pareti, radiatore e battiscopa tinteggiati con Kerakoll Design
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